chapter 66

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Mei: lascrea, stay focused when you fight.....

Lascrea: ....

I had too trick Vince into moving into another location. When Vince fights, he pretty much just kills anyone in his way.

Mei: I'll get rid of you by force!

Vince: oh yeah? COME AT ME THEN!!

Just as I expected from him, he swung his scythe wildly at me, but I was able to catch it between my hands. Actually, I can't even believe I caught it. There was so much force and power into his swings.

Mei: that all you got!

Vince drifted back away from me then threw his scythe in my direction.

Is this some kind of joke...?

I deflected the scythe upwards and it started to dematerialize itself.

Mei: ...!?

Vince: didn't think I could use my weapon like this?

Crap, behind me...?!

Vince's scythe recreated itself in an instant. He took it and swung right close to my head but fortunately, I was able to duck and dodge it.

Vince: tch...missed...

Mei: ugh...

This guy....he was intentionally going to cut my head off!?
Is he losing his mind!?

Vince: oh well...more fun for me I guess...sure as he'll won't miss next time.

Mei: shut up! I'm tired of you mouth!

I rushed and tried to land a hit on him one after the next swing but he kept dodging me and my attacks.

Vince: y'know, your attacks are getting wild.

Mei: ...?!

So that was his plan!

Vince took another swing at me, but I was able to dodge.


Vince: is that what you thought?

Mei: ....?

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in one of my arms.

My arm....

Mei: Ah!? My arm!! DAMMIT!!

I let my emotions get the better of me in battle. This was exactly what he wanted....dammit I'm so stupid!!

Vince: oh, did that sting a bit? bad.

Mei: why you....

I need to calm down. Calm down. People who let their emotions get the better of them in a fight die.
Vince then put his scythe against my neck.

Vince: heh~. This time I'll take off your head.

Mei: ...?!

Girl: that's enough.

Out of nowhere, a girl had appeared. She had long brown hair and Amber eyes. Her appearance looked around 17 years of age.

Vince:'s you again, huh...

Mei: ...

Something about her seemed familiar.

Vince: thanks, now I don't have to go hunt you down in the dream world.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now