Chapter 54

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Vince: anger....revenge...two delicious sensation. Heh heh
It's been a rather long night for me, I had to patrol further outside of town, and I was a bit tired and I wanted to go home.
After finally getting back, I stopped on the roof and took a breath. But then I heard small talking.
It was regis and Rael....they appeared to be talking about seira. But then I nearly slipped of the roof when Regis suggested that Rael go ask for love advice from Rai.


I leap down and land of the bars of the balcony in front of Rael.

Mei: Now what's this I hear about your little infatuation with Seira, Rael?

Regis: Mrs. Noblesse, your back.

Rael: ah yes. I was just about to...

Mei: a little heads up, Raizel might not be the best of person to ask about love sometimes....the man can barely operate a banana, haha....regis, let me have a moment with Rael please.

Regis: of course.

Regis bowed to me then turned to leave.
I sat down on the ledge on the balcony.

Mei: now, what's your troubles, little Kertia?

I could tell Rael was hesitant.

Rael: ....I have like Seira for a long time, but she won't accept my feelings towards her. She hasn't paid any attention to me for a very long time...but I don't care. I always believe she would one day accept my heart. But a while ago, I saw Said a being nice to a human being.

Mei: ...?

Rael: she was never like that to me...of course it was an act of kindness, with no special feelings, being nice is what Loyard families are like. But after seeing Seira's behavior, I'm confused. I don't know what I should do now. Mei, what should I do?

Mei: ....hmph. wow. it's been a while since I've seen such a vulnerable soul.

Rael: ...

Mei: Rael, I can't tell you the outcome...seira has gone through so much, and she was suddenly placed in a big position so young. You keep forcing yourself on to her, that will only drive her away. Everything else has already been forced on to her, you can't be another...but rael, if you want to know how someone, especially the person you like, feels...You ask them. Have you ever even considered Seira's feelings at all? Why don't you just talk to Seira? ....You can make a decision after that.

Rael: to her?

Mei: yes.

Rael: .....Thank you so much for your insight.

Mei: and Rael....your soul is more bright at your most vulnerable.

I gave him a warm smile. He turned and ran off in the other direction.

Mei: hmm...something about treating a soul feels a lot better than eliminating them.
***Mei's dream***

I was walking through the flower field. I could smell the scent of varieties of lavender, roses, and even daisies.
It was rather bright today.

But why am I here?
What's the significance of this dream?

Further out into the field, I saw a tall figure. I continued to walk closer as I saw through the bright gleam of light, it was Rai.

Mei: rai?

He turned and looked down at me, a smile on his face.
Then, I noticed he was holding something in his arms.

A child....?
A newborn.

I reached out and gently rubbed the top of the small child's head, and the baby let out a light giggle.

Mei: .....

***end of dream***

I awoke in my bed, rubbing my eyes and adjusting to my surroundings. I sat up and looked out of the window, it was still night time.

Raizel: you are awake.

I turned to look over, and rai was sitting on the side edge of the bed next to me.

Mei: long have you been there.

Raizel: long enough.

Mei: ....

Raizel: everything alright, mei?

Mei: yeah, I'm fine....I'm just still kind of tired.

Rai placed his hand on the top of my head.

Raizel: Then continue to rest.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now