Chapter 92

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Ignes: wings...?

Yuuki: ....

Raizel: ....Yuuki.

Yuuki: ...Ignes Kravel...come forth, so mine hands can banish the to the world of hell.

Ignes: both of you...just die....

The beast attacked yet again ferociously, but Yuuki easily negated the blast.

Yuuki: ...get on thine knees.

The monster froze in it's place and then fell to it's knees right in front of Yuuki.
It struggled to get free from her mind control but it failed useless.
Yuuki held her blade up over the beast.Yuuki then took out one of it's arms, then its leg, then sliced it down the middle.

Ignes: ....?!

Just as it would seem that it was over, to a startling event, the beast regenerated itself.

Yuuki: .....?!

Raizel: Yuuki, move.

Yuuki: what...?

Raizel had started to release his blood field.

Yuuki: really are stubborn..hehe.

The beast started to be completely engulfed in the blood field.

Yuuki: ....I remember did not end like this.

In a flash, the beast had gotten itself free from the blood field, diminishing it. But something was different now about it.

Yuuki: ....?!

The beast had grown wings and gotten even monstrous.


Raizel: ...?!

The beast attacked again towards them but they both immediately evaded. Raizel used his powers to try and blast the beast but it proved futile when it used it's on power to negate Raizel's blast.
Yuuki swooped in quickly to save him before the blast could hit him.
She could tell by his heavy breathing that Raizel was growing weak.

Yuuki: ....thine condition beith very bad, father. I'm telling the right now...the must leave or thou should suffer by the hand of death.

Here eyes changed green.

Yuuki: if you continue...your going to die.

Raizel: ....

Ignes: Lord Raizel, use more power. Its the only way for you to protect the humans.

Raizel: ...Ignes, what are you talking about?

Ignes: once he defeats you. I'm going to let him loose in the human world. I know where you are staying in the human world. I'm going to unleash him there first....ya know what would be even better, if I killed that woman of yours first before anything else.

Yuuki: ...?!

Raizel: ....?!

Ignes: you can watch your precious fiance and humans being slaughtered from hell! Hahahahaha

Yuuki: you....

In that instant, Raizel's anger started taking control, his power started to rise. Just as he was about to attack Ignes, Yuuki chopped the back of his neck and knocked him out instantly.
Yuuki placed a barrier around Raizel to protect him.
Then, her eyes had changed a bright and sharp yellow.

Yuuki: just you...and me.

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