Chapter 60

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Today, lascrea and Gechutel came to the school....although Gechutel made everyone kind of tense with his presence. Lascrea seem intrigued by school, maybe she yearns for a normal life too......

During recess time, I came alone to the rooftop of the school. Still I don't feel like eating....That's unusual.

Mei: You are the oceans gray waves
Destined to seek
Life beyond the shore
Just out of reach

Yet the waters ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours
to climb

And though I'd lied
A hand reaches through
A double-edge blade cuts your heart in two
Waking dreams fade away
Embrace the brand new day~


Why do I feel so much dispare?
****Mei's dream****

Young boy: why do you look so sad?

Mei: ....?

Young boy: does you head hurt? Are you feeling sick? Hungry? ...sleepy?

Mei: .....who...are you?

Young boy: hmm....from what I know, I am a cycle...

Mei: a...cycle?

Young boy: hate will cycle and will soon be born anew.

Mei: what...does that mean?

Young boy: ....You will find out.

The boy smiled at me. But I was still so confused.

Young boy: Is something wrong?

Mei: ...You are not someone my mind has created, are you?

Young boy: ....

Mei: I've never met you before until recently. You show up more frequently in my dreams. But you are not someone I know or created. You are a real person....who are you?

Young boy: did create me. You gave me a mind, body, and soul. Heh heh, with a little help....I am someone you will sacrifice your life for.

Mei: ....

The boy then took my hand with such gentleness. I felt a uncontrolled desire to love this person....but why? This is a child I do not know.
****end of dream****
I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. My eyes closed, I was in deep though about my dreams.

Who was that boy?

Thinking about it just makes my head hurt. So I started humming my siren song.

Without warning, I was ripped from my concentration and was being lifted off the bed.

Mei: what the heck?!

It was Rai.

Mei: when did you come in? I didn't even notice you?

Raizel: I've been calling your name, but you didn't answer me.

Mei:, can you put me down now?

Rai looked at me for a second, but then shrugged his shoulders and dropped me back on to the bed. My arms flailed at the sudden action of dropping me without warning.

Mei: I said put me down, not drop me down.

Rai let out a light chuckle, grinning down at me before he sat down on the bed next to me.

Raizel: come on, Mei. Pouting's over.

Mei: I'm not pouting.

My eyes focused back onto the ceiling. I hear a light sigh come out of rai's mouth.

Raizel: I didn't want to have to do this...

Suddenly, rai poked my side with his finger, causing me to shriek and react up. I knew what this meant.

Mei: Rai...don't.

Raizel: Oh, but I will.

Rai held his hands up, fingers spread like spiders. I jumped up and tried to make a run for the door, but I didn't even make it off the bed before Rai snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me back.

Mei: RAI!

His fingers ran up and down my body, tickling each and every spot they could reach.


Raizel: yes?


Raizel: in a minute.


I tried to wiggle my way out, kick, flail, anything just to get out of rai's grip, but I was too weakened from all the tickles.


His fingers find their way up to my ribs. I didn't notice from all my shrieking and uncontrollable laughter, that Rai had my hands pinned up against my head. I struggled to try and move but to no avail.
Then he paused.

Raizel: ohhh nooo, looks like someone's trapped.

Mei: Rai, plehehehehease...

His fingers then began again to wiggle all over my tummy, spidering up to my ribs. I switch between breathy giggles and squeaky laughter.


Raizel: had enough?

Mei: yehehes! stahahahahap tickling mehehehehe!

Rai finally withdrew his hands. I curled up, a few delayed giggles escaping my mouth.

Mei: well, that was unexpected. what was that all about?

Rai smiled innocently.

Raizel: to stop your pouting...You've been ignoring me all day.

Mei: I was not pouting...

Rai raised his hand menacingly as he wiggled his fingers, and I flinched as my eyes widened at the implication. I sat up in the bed, and he chuckled.

Raizel: it's been a while since I last heard you laugh. I missed it.

Mei: ....and it's been a while since I last messed up your hair, so....

I ran my fingers through Rai's hair, ruffling his strands all out of place till it looked wild like bed head hair.

Mei: hahahaha, no class bed head rai is back~!

Suddenly, his hands sneaked up my shirt, fingers poised over my tummy, and I froze. Rai had a devilish grin on his face.

Uh oh...

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now