Chapter Ten: THAT'S HER!

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She heard a knock at the door. Madison looked at the door and said, "Come in." The door open to reveal Angela. Angela looked at her, "Hey sweetie." Madison looked at her and groaned, "What do you want?" Angela looked at her and put a book in front of her. Madison looked at her and said, "You are giving me a book." She put her face on the pillow, "Like I don't have enough already."

Angela frowned, "It's not just a book, and it's a photo album." Madison looked at her," And you are showing me it why?" Angela opened the book and smiled, "Because this book holds a lot of memories."

She looked at a picture of her, her mother, and her father. She looked at Madison, "See this is my mother." She pointed at Brenda. Madison frowned and look at her, "That's grandma? She looks so weird." Angela laughed, "Yeah she was a special mother but I still loved her."

Angela pointed to Scott. "This is your grandfather, he was such a good father, He was always there for me thick and thin." Angela sniffed as a tear rolled down her cheek. Madison looked at her, "I know he died but was it from old age?"

Angela shook her head no. Madison flipped the page to show Angela and Jenny. She pointed at Jenny, "Who is she? She has really pretty eyes." Angela smiled, "That's Jenny, and she was my best friend in Jr. High."

Madison looked at her, "Did she... die?" Angela nodded, "Yes, she did." Maddie looked at the picture, "How?" Angela looked at her, "How what?" "How did she die?"

Angela frowned, "She fell down my stairs." Madison looked at her confused, "But that's impossible how someone die from a couple of stairs?" Angela chuckled, "Maddie we had 100 stairs." Madison's eyes widened, "Are you serious we only have 75." Angela nodded, "That house was amazing."

Angela flipped the page and it showed a certain doll. Madison's eye widened. She could not believe Sally and her mother knew each other.

She acted, as she did not know and said, "Mama that doll looks very cool but how old were you in that picture." Angela looked at her, "I was 13." Madison looked at her, "You were 13! Really!" Angela nodded, "I loved that doll but....."

Madison listens to her mother as she said, "That doll was the death of me. It did stuff that no one could imagine. It ruined my life."

Angela sniffed as tears sprawled out of her eye. "I hate that doll and one day I know I will see her again."

"Is it because people made fun of you or something?"

Angela closed the book and set it aside. She ignored the question and looked at Madison, "That's why you do not have dolls." Angela kissed Madison's forehead, "It's time for you time go to bed, sweetie." Madison looked at the clock. It said 9:30 p.m. She changed into her pink onesie with unicorns on it.

She laid down on her bed and watched as Angela closed the door to her room. She closed her eyes for 5 seconds then opened them back up. She got out of her bed and walked to the closet. She opened the closet to see Sally asleep. She closed the door gently making sure not to wake her up.

She went to the hallway and tiptoed to Alex room. She knocked on the door. A shirtless Alex opened the door and looked at her, "Come in." Madison walked in and sat on his bed. Alex crossed his arms and said, "So tell me what's going on and why are you acting so crazy."

Madison sighed and looked at the ground. Alex scoffed, "Maddie." Madison looked up at him and sighed, "oksothere'sthisdollandsheisstartingtoo."

Alex held his hand up causing her to stop, "Maddie talk slower "Ok fine so there is a doll who found me, she knows mommy, and mommy knows her and told me she was evil. I am starting to think that she is evil too. The doll said that if I tell anyone that she was going to kill my whole family including you! I do not want any of you to die bub I'm scared."

Alex looked at her, "So how are we going to get rid of her?" Maddie shook her head, "I don't know but you have to help me." Alex looked around the room and said, "Where is she?"

Maddie looked at her, "She is in my closet but she is asleep. We can't just throw her in the garbage because she will find us." Alex looked at her and put his hand on his chin, "We have to do something."

He looked at Maddie, "Did she put that necklace in your pocket?" Madison nodded. Alex then said, "What does the necklace do?" Maddie looked at him, "The necklace makes two bodies switch souls, I read about it in the museum." Maddie gasped, "She probably using it to switch bodies with someone maybe MAMA!"

"Shhhh." Alex said putting his finger to his lips, "You don't want to wake anyone up." Maddie looked at him, "Then what do we do?" Alex looked at his phone and said, "I have a plan."


Hey guys! Sorry for any typos! We hope you enjoyed it!


~Dai'Sha and Cristina

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