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The funeral had just ended. Everyone was getting in their cars getting ready to leave. Alex, Diana, Miles, Angela and Madison stayed behind for a while.

Diana was sobbing. "I'm so sorry Sadie." Miles put his arm around her. "It wasn't your fault. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

They all stood there for a while longer in silence before Angela said, "I'm sorry but we have to go. It's going to rain soon. You can come visit her some other day."

They all nodded and started back towards their cars. Alex stayed behind. Madison stood back and stared.

"Alex, are you coming?"

Alex stared at her confused for a second but then composed himself. "I'll be right behind you guys. Just a few more minutes."

Madison eyed him and said, "Okay." She ran back to Angela's car.

It started raining but Alex didn't care. He stood staring at the gravestone for a long time.

"She was kind, loving and beautiful.
She brightened up people's day like no one else could.
She was our friend.

Sadie Patterson."

"I'm so sorry Sadie. I will always remember you. And I'm sorry I never got to take you on that date. I'm sorry." His eyes started watering.

He left the roses on her grave and sat on the ground for a while longer by her grave before leaving.


Back at the house, everyone was sitting at the kitchen table. They were quiet. They didn't know what to do or think.

Angela spoke up. "At least we know that evil doll is gone. Let's hope she never comes back to bother us again.

Everyone nodded silently. Madison frowned before she got up and stretched. "Well I'm about to go to my room now."

Before anyone said anything, she turned and skipped up the stairs.

Alex frowned. "Something is wrong with her." Angela looked at him. "What do you mean?"

Diana was thinking about it. "Actually she has been acting strange for the last 2 weeks."

Angela shrugged. "I haven't noticed anything like that. She seems okay to me."

Alex shook his head. "It's weird. Earlier today when we were at the funeral, she called me Alex.. She never calls me that."

Angela looked at him. "Well she's growing up. She isn't a little girl anymore so she probably wants to stop using nicknames or something. She could also be in shock with what happened to Sadie."

He shrugged. "I don't know, it just threw me off. It's probably nothing."

Angela heard a ding. She got up and opened the oven. "Dinner is ready. Can one of you go upstairs and get Madison?"

Alex and Diana looked at each other. "Not it," Alex said. Diana rolled her eyes. "You're so childish. Whatever I'll go get her then."

She started up the stairs while everyone downstairs were chatting.

Once she made it to her room she heard a weird whispering sound. She stopped at the door. "What is that noise," she thought.

She stood there and listened. Then she quickly opened the door. She looked in.

"Maddie? Mom told me to tell you that dinner is ready."

She looked around the room. She suddenly saw her digging through her closet for something.

Diana shivered. She felt a bad chill rush through her. Something didn't feel right.

"Maddie dinner is ready. Come on."

Madison turned slowly. "Oh I'll be right there. Just give me a minute." Diana rolled her eyes. "You don't need a minute. Hurry up I'm hungry."

Madison turned to look up at her. Diana froze. Her blood went cold.

Madison cocked her head to the side. "What's wrong Diana?" Diana pointed a shaking finger at her. "Your eyes?"

Madison froze too. She turned and looked at the mirror in the closet.

"Your eyes aren't blue." Diana said.

They were staring at each other for a second. Realization hit Diana's eyes.

"Madison, your eyes aren't blue...." Madison ignored her and skipped to her chair. She sat down and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She smirked and was looking for something in her manicure box."

Diana frowned and looked at 'Madison.' Madison pulled out a nail filer and began to file her nails. Diana's eyes narrowed. "I'm telling mom. She will know what's wrong because I bet you aren't even Madison!"

Madison stopped filing her nails and looked at Diana. She hopped off of the chair and walked towards Diana with the big and very sharp nail filer. She looked at her and said, "Sister, we wouldn't want to bother mother, now do we?"

She shoved the nail filer in Diana's stomach and watched her as blood slowly dripped down her chin.

Madison looked at her and said, "To be honest, I never liked you." She laughed as Diana fell to the ground, lifeless.

She looked in the mirror to see her eyes still blue. She blinked twice turning them hazel. She smiled, "Sally is back and she now has a body."

"MADISON, it's time for dinner!" Sally jumped and said, "Coming mom!" She looked at herself once again, smiled, and darted out of the room, leaving Diana looking petrified with her eyes still wide open.


Return of Sally (Sequel to Sally) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now