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(3rd pov) 

It was the middle of the night, all the shop doors had been closed and every window had been barred. But on top of the creaky roofs of Konoha, ran silent shadows of the night. If you stood there in the dim lit streets you may have been able to make out their nimble shapes as they raced. 

They ran as quietly as the wind until stopping abruptly in front of an apartment building. Their leader made single motions with his hand, being as stealth as he could be. The others quickly understood and were ready to take off when a cold voice cut them off. 

"I'm not one for keeping count, but I believe this is the fifth attempt you've all made on my life." Their heads snapped to the voice's direction with their weapons raised. Sharigan glowing brightly and commas spiraling in rage. 

Their leader took a step forward, removing his mask to avoid muffling his voice. 

"Rumors has been going about the compound that you've poisoned Lord Itachi's mind!" 

"I haven't seen the idiots in 3 weeks. How exactly could I have poisoned your precious Lord Itachi?" Himeko asked unamused. 

The other 4 men behind their leader seethed and growled at her dull voice. But Himeko could care less. She had been kept up late hours because of these constant plots on her life, but she refused to show it. 

It was a small price she could pay compared to what she was doing. And somewhere in her heart, she hoped they'd succeed. 

A member of the squad took a threatening step forward but was ordered to stop by his leader. "The elders gave us strict orders to attack the traitor when she's unaware and away from eyes view. We're returning." 

Low grumbles of protest passed through each member but were never announced. In a flash, every single one of them disappeared as quickly as they had come. Himeko's stature faltered into a slump. Her crossed arms falling to her side and her back hunched over. 

'I need a decent sleep soon...' She thought desperately, returning back to her bed. 

Guardian Angel (Itachi Uchiha love story) WATTY'S 2021Where stories live. Discover now