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(Himeko's pov) 

"Sasuke be careful on your way to school!"

"Don't worry mom I'll be fine! See you later!"

I smiled as I watched Little Sasuke run out of his home from the shadows of the trees. He had a large grin on his face as he ran past and towards school. 'Seems like he's doing well...' It had been 3 weeks since my death. 

Itachi and I had kept our contact to a minimum. Danzo and Fugaku were beginning to pressure Itachi into making a decision. The clan's plans were slowly unraveling. 

I disappeared from the tree I hid in and to a high building that overlooked the Academy. I wore a disguise by using the transformation Jutsu as a precaution. Sasuke slowed down the closer he came to the school and wore a cold, composed expressions.

The girls all awed at how cute he was. Like a stud, he completely passed by them. I giggled to myself. I disappeared again and reappeared at another boy's home. 

I stood inside his messy apartment, scrunching up my nose from a foul scent that wafted the air. 'Oh, Naruto.' I sighed. I walked further inside and peeked into the one bedroom. 

I could barely hold in my laugh when I saw his sleeping position. Blankets and pillows were sprawled all over the place with Naruto sleeping noisily in the middle. I quietly crept in and placed the kitchen timer I had found. 

I twisted it for a minute before setting it on his desk. 

I leaned down and placed a feathery kiss on his forehead. "Have a good day brat," I whispered. I disappeared and sat in a tree right outside his window. The timer went off not a second later. Naruto's loud shrill filled the apartment as he shot up and began to hurriedly get ready. 

"You know you won't be able to do that forever," A voice commented. I straightened up and turned to see Shotaru. "I want to do it for as long as I can," I responded softly. 

Guardian Angel (Itachi Uchiha love story) WATTY'S 2021Where stories live. Discover now