Obstacle 2

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(3rd pov) 

"So you can wield blood," Itachi said with a bit of venom, "are all you good for is keeping secrets?"

Himeko couldn't stop the slight laugh that escaped her throat. Her shoulders shrugged a bit in a nonchalant expression. "We all have our secrets. Don't we?" 

"That explains how you're still so strong. So if you run out of chakara, you'll go back to being weak."

"I'll kill you before that."

No other words were exchanged as the proctor stood between the two. "This is our final match! May the best shinobi win!" Itachi's eyes narrowed further at the smirking Himeko. Everyone around the arena were tense and apprehensive. 

Shisui was still trying to understand the hostility between his two best friends. What made Itachi act out like this? Why was Himeko edging Itachi with every chance she got? It didn't make sense. 

"Ready...." the proctor shouted out," ....set....FIGHT!" 

Itachi and Himeko released their sharigans and quickly copied each others hand signs. "FIRE STYLE: FIREBALL JUTSU!" They shouted simultaneously. Two large balls of fire collided together while their creators jumped back to avoid the impact. 

The earth beneath the two's jutsus caused a large crater and debris to fly around aimlessly. Spectators used their own sharigans to try and find the two Uchihas. 

Itachi and Himeko met right in the middle, their swords clashing. "Not bad for a Prince." Himeko taunted. 

"Not bad for a Princess." 

They pushed off of each others blades before going again. Himeko quickly blocked Itachi's sword and slapped on a bomb tag onto his chest. Itachi's eyes widen. He went to reach for it, but was too late. Himeko evaded the explosion before it could go off. 

Guardian Angel (Itachi Uchiha love story) WATTY'S 2021Where stories live. Discover now