The Day...

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(Himeko's pov) 

"That's all you have to say?" A certain male growled. 

"Ah," I replied nonchalantly," don't come back for another 100 years."

"Tch, you damned woman...." 

Currently, Isoroku stood beside my bed with a bag slung over his shoulders and a scowl most unpleasant. He came in earlier to report to me that he'd be leaving earlier then he expected. Apparently there's some kind of trouble going on in the Land of Snow. 

I, in response to such supposedly sad news, drank my morning miso soup apathetically. He placed his free hand on my head to forcefully turn it to him. His face was quite close, but I remained stoic. 

"As my future wife you should be more despondent."

"Why? All those times I forced Naruto to pray to the gods for me has finally paid off. And who the hell said I agreed to be chained to a stinkbug like you?" 

An irk mark appeared above his head. He released me and leaned back. "Tch. Sometimes I wonder if you have a heart." He grumbled, his hand now running itself through his hair. I smiled slightly at the embittered male. 

I set the bowl of miso on my breakfast table, gaining his attention. When he turned, he was met with my awaiting fist. 

"Keep up the good work." 

He blinked a few times before allowing a soft smile to spread across his features. Gently his own fist collided with mine. "Likewise."

Without warning, Isoroku dropped his bag and swooped down to give me a tight hug. One hand held onto my back tightly, pressing me against his chest, while the other rested behind my head. Speechlessly I remained in his embrace. 

"Be safe Himeko....I don't want to bury a friend..." He whispered pleadingly. Catching up with reality, I smiled softly before pressing myself further into his warmth. 

"Oi, oi..are you an idiot? I'm immortal!" I claimed jokingly. His chest rumbled as he laughed slightly while releasing me. I could see the glow in his eyes shinning more then they ever had. But concern and worry also tainted his sincerity. 

Guardian Angel (Itachi Uchiha love story) WATTY'S 2021Where stories live. Discover now