Podrick Payne X Reader - Woman of the Woods

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Walking through darkened woods was common for you, the smell of the damp dirt beneath your feat was comforting and the sounds of the leaves on the trees rustling in the wind was like music to your ears.

One thing you didn't enjoy hearing, however, was the sound of another person clambering about, talking to themselves in your woods. As you heard them getting closer and closer, you ducked behind a nearby tree, staying out of sight until you knew who was approaching.

You saw a man young man stumble past, tripping over his own feet and swearing quietly to himself about the state of the woods he was walking through. "Gods, where is she?" he grumbled as he continued. You crouched low by the tree, pulling your sword from your side silently as you saw his own fixed at his hip. Was he looking for you? Who was this man?

You pointed your sword in his direction, despite not being completely sure of how to use it and cleared your throat to get his attention. "Who are you?" you asked, fear clear in your voice as he span to face you, his eyes wide at the site of another person.

"I... I'm Podrick Payne," he started, his arms out in front of him as if to defend himself, but you kept staring at him. "I'm looking for my friend, she's tall, with white hair and armour" he continued, looking for any sign of recognition in your face. "Her name is Brienne, we got separated yesterday and I need to find her," he added.

"You won't find her in the woods, head to the village, you are more likely to meet her there," you finally answered, lowering your sword after realising he was no real threat. He nodded to you before frowning again.

"How do I get to the nearest town?" he asked and you released a startled laugh while shaking your head, making him start to smile as you both relaxed into each others company.

"I will take you, I can't have you getting lost out here, you would likely die alone," you chuckled.  He went to protest until you cut him off, "believe me, it really isn't safe alone out here."

"But you are out here alone," he protested watching as you sheathed your sword at your hip, you laughed at his childish argument.

"And I know these woods like they were my own home, I basically live here," you told him, leaving him to tilt his head. You had obviously peaked his interest but you were not here to tell him your life story. "Come, we must leave now if you want to be in town by sun-up," you told him, starting to walk away from him.

Podrick watched you as he followed, your  hair floating in the wind, your hips swaying as you walked and he found himself growing more and more interested as you journeyed on in silence.

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