Stannis Baratheon X Tyrell!Reader - Duty: Part 3

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The next morning, you woke up to find yourself alone in your bed. As you were walking down the halls, you had almost forgotten about the embarrassment from the night before, and your rather rude guests, when you heard someone clear their throat.

"My Lady," Cersei spoke softly, coming to walk beside you. You had gone a few silent feet when she placed her hand on your shoulder, bringing you to a stop.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace, but I am not in much of a mood to talk after how your husband treated me last night," you told her, watching as her face softened, seeing emotion on her face seemed strange, you were used to her hardened personality, and the roles had seemed to switch here.

"That is what I wanted to speak with you about, actually," she uttered, pausing for a moment. "My husband's behaviour was wrong and uncalled for and I am sorry that he spoke to you that way. He is at breakfast with Stannis now, and I had his word that he would apologise," she told you, watching as you nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Your Grace," you answered softly, turning to continue on your journey.

"It's not as bad as your Septa would have told you when you were a girl," she spoke again, causing you to stop once more, brow furrowed in confusion. "They make it seem like torture, and it does hurt a little the first time, but with the right man it can be quite enjoyable," she murmured again. "Stannis loves you very much, he will want to make you feel good," she finished before linking her arm with yours. "We should get to breakfast, before someone thinks we've gone missing," she added, starting down the hallway with you at her side.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I've never had someone to talk to about this sort of thing," you murmured to her, watching as she smiled over at you.

"I never had some one to talk about it with either and I know that I would have been so much happier if someone had told me before my first time." She paused outside the door, "Now smile, we don't want them thinking anything bad has happened," she told you softly. You were surprised, but smiled nonetheless, lifting your chin and pushing your shoulders back as you walked into the hall to join your husband, the king, and his children. You leant over to kiss Stannis' cheek before seating yourself beside him.

"My love, I hope I didn't wake you this morning. I rose quite early," he murmured softly as he continued to eat.

"You didn't," you paused to sip at your drink, leaving your plate untouched as the others tucked in. "Did you sleep well, your Grace?" you asked King Robert who seemed surprisingly quiet now that you had joined the table.

"Yes, My Lady, very well," he paused for a moment, giving you a small, uncomfortable smile. "Your home is very welcoming," he added quietly before returning to his food.

You finally started to eat, enjoying the silence for once and knowing that that evening you would finally consummate your wedding to Stannis, and that soon you would bare him heirs who would rule Dragonstone long after you were gone.

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