Tormund Giantsbane X Baratheon!Reader - Scars (requested)

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Coming to the wall hadn't been part of your original plan. You wanted to be going south to King's Landing to take the Iron Throne back for your family. You had always been well aware that you were the bastard daughter of Robert Baratheon, and you held a stronger claim to the throne than Tommen, one of the Queen Regent's bastards. You didn't truly want to be Queen, but living under Cersei Lannister and her children had been bad for your mother and her other family. They'd been left with no money after her husband was killed in battle, fighting for The King in The North.

But here you were, standing at the entrance to Castle Black with your 300 men and asking to join Jon Snow in the fight between the Starks and the Boltons. You were met at the gate by four people and tried to remain calm as they approached you, climbing down from your horse to greet them. You quickly recognised Sansa Stark, standing with the three men. They all looked exhausted but you doubted you looked much better after riding for almost a month.

"Y/N Snow, it's good to finally meet you," a curly haired man, who you assumed to be Jon Snow, spoke and you gave him a quick nod and a smile as he carried on. "This is my sister, Sansa Stark, and my advisors, Davos Seaworth and Tormund Giantsbane," you smiled at each person as they were introduced, your eyes lingering on the last man. He was obviously one of the free folk that Jon had befriended over his time with the Wildlings, his beard a shock of scruffy ginger.

"That must make you Jon. It's an honour to meet you, Lord Commander," you told him, striding forward to take his hand in your own and shaking it firmly. "These are my men and women, they all support my claim to the Iron Throne and I'd like to see that they are settled before we begin talking business," you added and he gave you a quick nod in agreement.

"Of course, they are welcome to stay as long as they would like, but they'll be expected to pull their weight around the castle. We don't take kindly to laziness here," he told you with a smile and you responded with one of your own.

"Neither do we. I think our followers will enjoy each others company," you smirked as you spoke and looked over at Tormund again. He wasn't conventionally handsome, that would be how Jon would be described, a handsome boy, but Tormund was a man and you found yourself struggling to drag your eyes away from him.

"Come," Jon spoke, drawing your eyes away and back to him. "We have food and ale ready for you inside. I'm sure you are tired after such a long journey," he told you before turning to walk through the gates followed closely by the others. Once you reached the gate you saw Tormund pause, gesturing for you to go before him as he held it open for you, and you smiled giving him a thankful nod as you continued to walk, one of your men close at your side, glaring at the wildling as you strolled away behind the other advisors.

*Time Skip*

"Tormund?" you heard Jon growl as you stared intently at the map that covered the table. You had all been working out what the best plan of attack would be where Winterfell was concerned, with Sansa becoming angry that no one had been listening to her warnings until you came to reiterate them to the men. Your head shot up at the voice, before turning to look at the wildling who was standing beside you, where you leant across the table. You shot him another smile when his eyes met yours and looked back to the map. "Pay attention," Jon added quietly as he turned his eyes back to where you were pointing on the table, pushing the little wolf and stag pieces around to circle the flayed men of the Boltons.

"We need to think ahead, don't go rushing in," you spoke softly as you picked up one of your own stag pieces, turning it over in your hand as you thought, "As Sansa said, Ramsay will try and force you to make the first move, and we simply don't have the numbers to do that," you paused as you placed it back down on the table. "He will try to use Rickon against you, but you can't let him get into your head," you looked over at Jon as you spoke and placed the piece back down, knocking over one of the Boltons pieces as if it were a chess piece.

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