Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Forever (Requested)

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You felt like you had been moving for hours, your feet cold and wet from crossing the creek a while back. Theon was gripping your hand in his, tugging you along when you faltered, something that had happened far too often at this point. You had left Winterfell last night and had quickly found your way into the woods, wrapped in layers of furs to stop from freezing out in the wilderness. You seemed to be more effected by the snowy cold weather than Theon, who was far less wrapped up than you were. You hadn't had anything to eat or drink since you'd escaped and you were starting to falter more and more as you got further from your childhood home, and despite your pleading, Theon had refused to stop, sure that Ramsey and his hounds would catch up to you if you stopped now.

As you were moving to step over a large fallen tree trunk the skirt of your dress got snagged, sending you falling into the thick snow face first, a position you stayed in as you began to cry in frustration. You had been through so much since coming back to Winterfell in your sister's place and still the Gods decided to punish you. In that moment, you were ready to stay face down in the snow and let the cold overcome you, it seemed much more peaceful than being ripped apart by dogs or punished by your husband. You had almost forgotten that Theon was with you, until you felt his hands on your waist, pulling you into a sitting position and looking at your now wet and red face. He quickly wiped at your face with his torn sleeves, drying it and trying to warm up your freezing skin, watching as your tears tumbled down your cheeks.

"Did the fall hurt?" Theon questioned you and you shook your head no as he watched you with worry clear in his eyes. "Why are you crying?" he asked, now more confused than concerned.

"The Gods are punishing me," you whispered to him pausing for a moment before continuing. "They are punishing me and I don't even know what I did wrong," you added as more tears cascaded down your face and you hastily wiped at them in annoyance.

"You didn't do anything wrong," he told you softly, "I did and now they are punishing you by association." There was a moment of silence as Theon watched you, shaking with tears. "I hate myself for doing this to you, and we will figure out how to fix it, but we have to keep moving," he continued as his hand moved to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb wiping away the tears puddling under your eyes. You gave him a short nod as he pulled you to your aching feet, holding your hand in his as he helped you over the next fallen log.

*Time Skip*

You were soon stumbling back out of the woods, coming across an old farm house with candles flickering in the windows. Theon hesitated at the fence, thinking about your options.

"We need to stop Theon, I can't walk any longer," you told him quietly and he remained silent. "We can leave first thing tomorrow," you begged and he turned to look at you.

"If Ramsey finds out they helped us he'll kill them, or they'll sell us out and he'll find us," he tried to explain as quietly as possible as you ran your hands over your cold face in frustration.

"We could sleep in the barn and be gone before they wake up, they wouldn't even know we were here," you whispered your idea which he seemed to consider for a moment, before taking your hand and pulling you towards the barn in question, pushing the door barely open for both of you to squeeze in.

You stood in the dark, allowing your eyes to adjust so that you could observe the barn. There was hay strewn out across the floors and a single horse tied to a post in the corner of the room. You moved over to one of the larger piles of hay and flattened it out before slumping down on top of it, shuffling until you got relatively comfortable. "Are you going to sleep?" you asked as you looked over to Theon, who was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. He shrugged in response, making you roll your eyes before patting the hay beside you.

"I might stay up in case someone comes out here," he spoke softly and you chuckled.

"If someone comes out there isn't anything you can do to stop them. You may as well get some sleep," you mumbled as you settled down and rested your head on the scratchy hay, smiling to yourself when you felt it shift as he joined you, opening your eyes again to look at him.

"Are you warm enough?" he questioned when he saw you watching him. "I'm sure I could find a horse blanket in here somewhere if you need it," he spoke again and you shook your head before pulling his arm so it went over you.

"I'm fine now," you told him as you burrowed into his arms basking in the warmth he was giving off as he laughed at you.

"You're brothers would kill me if they could see this," he told you with a small chuckle. "Robb and Jon were always so protective of you," he added and you tilted your head back to smile up at him.

"I never understood why, I could take care of myself," you told him and he grinned at you as you spoke.

"Yeah, sure you can," he chuckled gesturing at the way you were clinging to his body, as you tried to move away he pulled you back in. "I didn't say you had to stop," he added causing you to laugh at him as your eyes started to drift shut. When Theon thought you were asleep he pressed a light kiss to your forehead, "I wish we could stay like this forever," he whispered into the silence as he allowed himself to relax and start to close his eyes.

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