Gregor Clegane X Lannister!Reader - Innocent (Requested)

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You were sitting alone at a table in the library, flipping through a book about the dragons that had once lived here in King's Landing. They had always been interesting to you, and you were sure you had been in this very position, huddled over the pages of the same thick, old book just days before. You heard the doors behind you open and knew you would soon be heading out to meet with the King in his court. Your cousin had demanded that you called him the King rather than his given name, and though you mentally rolled your eyes at the sheer size of his ego you had complied out of fear of how he would react if you disobeyed his order. You held up a hand to keep the person who had entered silent as you finished your page and quickly spoke when you heard them coming closer.

"If you put your hands on me I will break them," you told them and you heard a light snort of laughter, though you could tell he had stopped coming towards you. After you finished your page, you slowly shut the book, standing and turning to face the man behind you. "Gregor, it's good to see you," you started, smiling sweetly at the large man. "Has the King asked for me?" you asked and he simply nodded. He wasn't one to talk too often and you had quickly grown used to it, even if you continued to try and tempt him into speaking with you. "How is our King this morning? Should I be wary?" you spoke again and he raised an eyebrow at you as he looked at you out of the side of his eyes, causing you to let out a small laugh. You both knew that there was never a time to stop being wary, where your cousin was involved.

You remained quiet for the rest of the walk to the main hall, wondering why Joffrey would want your company after seeing you just yesterday. You were still racking your brain when you reached the large wooden doors, and you paused quickly looking at Gregor with a large fake smile on your face. "Wish me luck," you spoke in an overly cheerful voice, trying to calm yourself as he once again gave you a slight nod in response, before opening the doors for you to enter.

"Y/N," Joffrey announced from his Throne at the centre of the room, watching with the rest of his people as you made your way over to him with Gregor trailing behind you, your fake smile still plastered on your face as you greeted him.

"Your Grace, you're looking well," you uttered, offering a small curtsey in his direction. You had quickly learned to tell him what he wanted to hear rather than behaving normally, and giving him an ego boost seemed like your best bet. You were right of course and you could tell from the smirk on his face.

"I have some wonderful news for you." He paused as he turned to smile at Petyr Baelish, who was stood beside him. You felt concern bloom in your stomach, you had never been Little Finger's biggest fan, he was a horrible man and tried to avoid him in the Red Keep at all cost. "You are to be married," Joffrey told you and the fake smile fell from your face, quickly replaced by a very real frown. "Your wedding to Petyr will be in a fortnight," he spoke again, stopping when he saw you silently shaking your head. "What is the matter, Cousin?" he asked with raised eyebrows, almost challenging you to speak against him.

"I will not marry him, and you cannot make me," you spat through gritted teeth as you glared at the two men in front of you, and a chorus of chatter broke out in the room as people expressed their surprise at your outburst. You could see the anger burning in Joffrey's eyes as he rose to his feet and you felt Gregor move closer behind you.

"Ser Meryn, I think my cousin needs to be taught a lesson. Why don't you show her what happens when people disobey their King?" he uttered, letting out a small chuckle as the anger drained from his face, leaving him with a shit eating grin as you glared up at him. You didn't move your eyes from your cousin as the other man stalked over to you, closing the space quickly as he drew his weapon, but he didn't reach you as Gregor took a step in front of you.

"Move, Clegane," the man grunted as he stared up at your protector, who was miles bigger and stronger than he was. "The King's orders are final," he spoke again, becoming desperate as he watched Gregor's hand reach for the sword sheathed at his waist. They both knew that  Meryn Trant would lose if they were to spar but he could not stand down unless he was told to by Joffrey, and your glare quickly changed into a smile as you watched the King notice this.

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