Jon Snow X Reader - Pretty Little Thief.

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Getting into the grounds of Winterfell was easy; one of the easiest places you had ever broken into. Getting into the building, however, was a different case; people were stationed at every entrance. You were expecting to be able to walk straight in but it seemed you were wrong as you creeped up to one of the brick towers, looking up at the broken window high up above. As you started to climb you began to consider going back home and just going to bed, like any normal person would have, but the promise of riches inside was far too much for you to turn back now. As you got higher the bricks seemed looser, a few giving way under your hands and clattering to the ground so far below you. You looked down, seeing the dot where it lay in the dirt, and quickly looked back up, hugging closer to the wall before continuing on your way.

As you finally got a hand on to the ledge it was grabbed, yanking you inside and causing you to squeal in fear as two guards began to drag you down into the building. Everything seemed a blur as you were pulled through endless hallways, awaiting your true punishment. Soon you were dragged into a wide open space, and thrown down onto the stone floor, in front of Lord and Lady Stark. "We found her scaling the West Tower, M'Lord," one of your captors grunted as you attempted to regain your feet, coughing as you tried to get air back into your lungs.

"What were you doing breaking into our home?" Lord Stark asked, his voice gruff and tired. He had obviously been pulled from his bed after they had caught you. It was then that you finally looked up, seeing the two Starks sitting at the head table. Both seemed half asleep as they looked you over, still panting for breath on the floor.

"My husband asked you a question, you would be wise to answer," Lady Stark spoke up, eager to be back in bed.

"I'm sorry, M'Lady," you panted still struggling to get enough air into your lungs, your landing on the stone floor had knocked any chance of a proper conversation out of you. You let out a gut racking cough before trying to talk again. "Can I have a moment?" you panted and she nodded quickly.

"Help the girl to a seat," Lord Stark ordered, and the guards quickly pulled you to your feet before forcing you into a chair that had been dragged to the centre of the room. You quickly nodded your thanks to the man before placing your head between your knees, attempting to regulate your breathing. When you finally sat back up it was Lady Stark that spoke.

"What is your name, child?" she asked you and you hesitated for a moment, your eyes locked with hers. If you told the truth your Mother would be so mad. You had sneaked out to be here, but they hadn't killed you yet, as many high lords may have.

"Y/N, M'Lady," you told her, your head falling to look at your lap.

"And what were you doing scaling the walls of our home, Y/N?" she asked, her eyes still lingering over you. She made you feel like a naughty child, sitting before her ready to be scolded for dirtying a dress rather than for breaking and entering.

"I needed the money," you muttered, still staring at the ground, avoiding her disappointed gaze. "I'm sorry, M'Lady," you added sniffling as tears brimmed in your eyes. You had never been caught before, but then again you had never tried to get into somewhere like Winterfell before.

"What do you need money for?" she asked again, her voice softer as she pried into your life. It seemed impossible to lie to Lady Catelyn Stark.

"My sister is sick; I needed to pay a Maester," you told her, your voice low as you realised she would not be getting better, not without the money you had planned to steal from the Starks.

The room fell silent for a few moments before Lord Stark spoke again. "We will pay for the Maester to visit your sister, and you can work here in the kitchens until you work off the money to pay for it," he told you and your eyes went wide with shock as you moved to stare up at him.

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