Half a Million

2.3K 15 6

Hi guys,

This is just another little update where I continue to thank you profusely for all of the time you spend reading my book. As of today, we have reached half a million reads. This is more than I ever thought would happen and I am so flattered and amazed that you guys actually enjoy the shit I write. Please continue to read, it keeps me writing and makes me love you each and every time I get a notification.

On another note, my requests are still closed. Unfortunately, people are still messaging me with requests of there own and I am having to turn them away. Please be aware that when I eventually do start accepting requests I will post to let you all know.

Please consider supporting me for just £3 using Ko-Fi. This money gives me the ability to continue writing in my spare time without having to worry about extra funds and will eventually help me to begin publishing my own works outside of my fanfiction. Follow the link: Ko-fi.com/S6S075KP to pledge money. The link is also available on my profile page and in the comments down below. If you have any questions or concerns about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me.

Thank you again for all being so incredible. L x

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin