Oberyn Martell X Tyrell!Reader

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A/N- This one is bloody long, so settle in for a while!

*Y/N's POV*

You were breathing heavily as you entered King's Landing for your cousin Margaery's wedding to King Joffrey. Clinging tightly onto your husband's arm, your fingers leaving sweaty marks on his leather tunic as his own fingers ran comfortingly over your waist. Margaery didn't even know of your wedding, no one outside of Dorne did; it was a rushed and quiet affair, despite having known Oberyn for years. It was obvious that your cousin's new family wouldn't approve and would attempt to pry you apart so one evening you had gathered with his family and joined yourselves for life. It seemed like a glorious idea at the time, but now you weren't so sure. You would have to tell everyone; Margaery would be so disappointed. You had always planned your weddings together as children; she was your best friend and you told each other everything. But all of that had changed when you both left Highgarden, her and Loras heading to Renly Baratheon's camp, and you to Dorne to experience some real sunshine for once. Your Father always complained that you were too pale, no man would want to marry a woman who had never even been kissed by the sun.

Of course, there were also things that you had avoided telling Oberyn. You hadn't bled for two moons and were almost certain that you were carrying his child. Perhaps that was what caused you so much worry, knowing how fragile you would soon become and in such a foreign place too. If you were to tell Oberyn, he would never have permitted you travelling, especially not here, surrounded by the enemies of his family. But you had to see your family; it had been far too long since you had last seen them all and you wouldn't miss Margaery's wedding for anything.

"What's wrong, My Sweet?" Oberyn asked, his finger hesitating on your side as you gave him a weak smile.

"Nothing, I'm just weary from our journey," you answered him, loosening your grip a little in an attempt to convince him.

"Don't let go of my arm; I can't have anyone thinking you're ready for courting," he murmured, causing you to chuckle lightly.

"Don't you worry, word will get around about us soon enough," you teased, retightening your grip on his arm and leaning in closer as you walked up the main steps into the great hall. "Margaery'll be so mad," you whined after a second of silence, causing Oberyn to kiss your forehead lightly.

"She'll be fine, don't worry yourself," he told you, wrapping his arm tighter around your waist as he clocked the Imp coming towards the two of you.

"Prince Oberyn, it's a honour to see you again," Tyrion spoke up with a smile, before turning to you. "And this would be?" he asked, trailing off into silence.

"Y/N, Oberyn's wife, and cousin to our soon to be Queen," you told him watching as his mouth fell open, and then flapped awkwardly as he attempted to find words.

"Y/N Tyrell, we were expecting you to come with your Father later this evening," he informed you causing you to let out a sharp laugh.

"That would be ridiculous, and it's Y/N Martell now, Lord Tyrion," you corrected him with a bright smile as he nodded awkwardly.

"Well I'm sure Lady Margaery would love to see you; she's in the gardens with your Grandmother," he told you, still in a state of shock as he pointed to a door that led out of the building.

"I must go find her, are you coming Oberyn?" you asked gripping his hand tightly in yours before you were cut off.

"I'm afraid men aren't allowed in that part of the garden's, My Lady," Tyrion told you and you rolled your eyes.

"Trust me, Grandmother will want to see him, and she wont be happy if she has to leave her tea to do so," you murmured before dragging Oberyn with you towards the door that Lord Tyrion had gestured towards.

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