Oberyn Martell X Stark!Reader - Poison (Requested)

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You cried out for your husband as the chaos went on around you. The boy king was laying on the ground, his head cradled in his mother's lap as he chocked and spluttered, blood coming from his nose and mouth as his mother called out for someone to help him, her brother running to her side in an instant. You watched in shock as everyone ran over to catch a glimpse, to see if it was true that he had been murdered, likely poisoned. You can't say you were sad to see it, he had put your younger sister, Sansa, through so much when they were betrothed, and he had killed your father despite the pleas of you and your husband.

As you looked around, looking for Oberyn, you saw many guards, searching too. A couple began pulling away your good-brother, Tyrion, as his sister cried out for justice for her son, claiming her brother was at fault. As you craned you neck to look into the crowd, trying to find your sister or your husband, you felt a large hand on your shoulder, turning you around to face the shiny chest plate of a huge man. Gregor Clegane. He had always scared you and Oberyn knew it, trying to stay by your side whenever he was near.

"The Queen will want to speak with you," he grunted, pulling at your upper arm to move you inside one of the nearby halls, towards the dungeons which lay beneath the Red Keep. You protested as he pulled you along, trying to remove his grip as you yelled for Oberyn, who had seemingly vanished as soon as the feast had begun. You finally struck at his unprotected head with your small fist causing his to turn towards you, his anger obvious on his wide, red face. His hand quickly snaked to your neck, gripping it tightly as he pushed you up against the wall, cracking your head against it as he squeezed tightly, causing you to choke for air.

"Release her," you heard Oberyn's voice yell as he came bounding down the hall towards the two of you, tears coming to your eyes as you struggled to breathe, your nails clawing at the Mountain's hand in a frenzy.

The Mountain looked at your husband, a smirk on his face as he squeezed tighter on your throat causing you to let out another strangled cry. "The Queen has ordered it," he smiled as he tightened his grip again, a note of laughter joining his words as you felt your head becoming more confused. Oberyn didn't even think before grabbing his sword from his waist and jabbing it into the mountains side, not hard enough to kill, but enough that he dropped you to the stone floor, crashing your head down heavily and knocking you unconscious, before spinning to face the other man as he reached for his own sword.

It was then that a group, including Olenna and Margaery Tyrell came into the hall, going towards their chambers to mourn in private. You had found in your short time at King's Landing that Margaery was a kind girl, she had become one of your closest friends in the Red Keep and you spent many an afternoon having tea with her, her Grandma Olenna, and your sister. "What is the meaning of all this?" the old woman spoke as she looked at the scene, watching as Margaery quickly moved to kneel at your side.

"The Queen ordered-" Gregor started only to be cut off by a scoff from Olenna.

"The Queen Regent is in mourning for her son, as we all are, we must wait until she has calmed her head to carry out whatever justice she sees fit," she started as Margaery helped you up to sit against the wall. "Is the poor girl okay?" she added as Oberyn came to join the girls, kneeling next to you on the floor as Gregor stormed away.

"Y/N, love, are you alright?" he asked as he pressed small kisses all over your face as you tried to nod your answer, unable to speak coherently, his were eyes wet with tears as he pushed your hair back over your shoulders to examine the bruising that was surely coating your neck from Gregor's hands. "We have to leave King's Landing," he spoke more to Olenna than to you as he pulled you close to him allowing you to bury your face into his chest.

"You cannot legally leave if the Queen orders you to stay, you know that," Olenna spoke softly, she was one of the wisest women you had ever met and you knew she was right.

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