Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Save Tonight

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Save Tonight' by Eagle-Eye Cherry. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had your knees tucked under your chin, your legs gathered up to your chest as you stared into the fire that burned in the hearth, warming the entirety of your chambers. You wanted so bad to be angry that Theon hadn't told you that he would be leaving come the morning, but all you could feel was a sinking feeling, like someone was pressing hard on your chest and stopping you from breathing. Sure, you were aware that Robb would be marching his armies South but you had assumed that Theon would be allowed to stay to protect Winterfell and everyone who remained within its walls. You desperately wanted to cry, and scream, and beg him not to go but it would do little to change his mind, instead it would just break your heart more when you woke up and found that your husband wasn't beside you.

You heard the door creak open but kept your eyes locked on the flames. If you looked at him now the pain and anger you were just barely suppressing would bubble over and you would ruin every happy memory that you had of him. Your memories would be what you would cling to for the unknown amount of time that he would be gone.

"Y/N?" he mumbled softly, coming to press his hand softly against your shoulder. "What're you doing?" he asked again, his breath light as he moved to kiss the side of your neck softly.

"Nothing," you muttered back, finally tearing away your gaze from the fire to glance up at him. "I'm going to miss you," you added, tears prickling in your eyes as you brought your hands up to cup his cheeks in your palms.

"I know," he answered you softly, moving in front of you and pulling you to your feet before sitting down in your chair and patting his knee for you to join him. "I'll miss you too."

You rested yourself gently on one of his knees, careful not to put too much weight down until he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his chest, causing you to squeal as you flailed for something to steady yourself on as you tumbled. Once you had settled into your new spot you began to chuckle, burying your face into his leather tunic and breathing deeply into the material. He had always smelt fantastic to you, something you couldn't ever describe to anyone else but you would recognise the scent anywhere. "Gods, I love you," you told him, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes before he pulled you in for a soft kiss.

Anyone who thought they knew Theon would assume that the only emotion he ever felt was anger, but those closest to him knew better. Yes Theon could be smug, and crude, and bitter, but he was so much more than that under all of his anxieties, and it seemed that you were all he needed to show that to the world. He continued to kiss you gently, deepening it just a little as his hand came up to lace itself into your hair. He would end up regretting the move when he struggled to untangle his fingers from the mess he created, he always did. He pulled away from you, looking into your eyes again. He would never say it out loud but you knew how he felt for you, you knew that he would do anything to keep you happy.

"I wish you didn't have to go," you whispered to him, moving to rest your forehead against his shoulder, your fingers playing with the slight scruff that had begun gracing his chin in the last few months.

"I know, My Love, but I can't leave Robb to go riding off to war without me," he started, his hand untangling from your hair as he leant just slightly to look at what he was doing. "He's my brother and he needs me," he continued and you nodded against him, gasping as you tugged your own hair against his fingers. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, his other hand moving to soothe your scalp where he had harmed you.

"I understand," you murmured, burying your face back against him. By the time he had managed to free himself your eyes were drifting shut and he let out a small chuckled before shaking you slightly in your sleepy state.

"Please don't go to sleep. We don't have long left," he uttered and you jolted upright.

"Sorry, I'm used to falling asleep like this now," you answered softly, smoothing down your hair as best as you could as you got to your feet.

"Where are you going?" he groaned, holding his arms out to you like a child begging to be held.

"I am in need of a bath," you started and his face fell as he began to nod. "I assumed you wouldn't object to joining me," you added and he smirked up at you before getting to his feet.

"Gods, you're perfect," he all but growled as he stalked towards you, giving you kisses all over your face as you giggled at him.

"Let me call for the chambermaid, and once she has done her job you can ravish me to your hearts content," you chuckled at him, watching as he pulled away with a grin plastered to his face. You shooed him away towards the seat again before poking your head out of your chamber door, waiting for just a moment until the maid scurried past. She nodded when you asked for her to come and sort your bath and was quick to hurry off to sort it for you.

*Time Skip*

You fell asleep that night with Theon's arms wrapped around your body, engulfing you in his warmth as he held you as tightly to him as he could manage. You could feel his bare chest against your back and bathed in the contact, allowing yourself to savour it for as long as you could before you drifted into a deep and constant sleep.

You woke the next morning to an empty and cold bed, and you quickly rolled to Theon's side of the bed, breathing in his scent from the pillow where his head would have rested just hours before. You spent most of the day like that, naked in bed wishing he were still there beside you like he had been every other day since you were married.

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