Thank you.

2.9K 23 4

Hi guys,

When I started writing this book in 2016 I thought that I was a shit writer. To be honest with you, I probably was a shit writer. But you guys came to support me, and encourage me, and correct me when I needed correcting. There is nothing as rewarding to a writer as people who are willing to take their time to read, vote, and comment on our work. You guys are incredible.

I remember when I got my first vote, I was over the moon and I'm pretty sure I cried that night because I was just so emotional. And then A few more votes started rolling in, and the comments started, and people liked what I was doing. It gave me the confidence to keep going. Of course, there are still times when I doubt myself or when I feel like I just can't do it, but at the end of the day, you guys give me the courage to keep going.

So this little (actually quite long) message is to say a big thank you to you guys. Yesterday we reached 11,000 votes on this book. Today we reached 450,000 views. And we will keep growing because there is no way that I will just give up this little haven of happiness and the beautiful support network that we have created. 

Please consider supporting me for just £3 using Ko-Fi. This money gives me the ability to continue writing in my spare time without having to worry about extra funds and will eventually help me to begin publishing my own works outside of my fanfiction. Follow the link: to pledge money. The link is also available on my profile page and in the comments down below. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me. 

Thank you.

  L x

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