Robb Stark X Lannister!Reader - Hostage (Requested)

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You had never been so furious in your entire life, your face growing red as your sister read you the letter your father had sent her that morning.

"It seems that your betrothal has been called off," Jaime spoke up from behind you and you shot him a warning glare.

"Hold your tongue," you growled at him before snatching the paper from Cersei's hands, reading your father's words to yourself before crumpling it and throwing it towards the fire.

The room was silent for a moment until your sister spoke up again. "It's for your own safety, Y/N. We are at war with the Starks; Robb is leading their attacks and we can't have you swanning off to marry him," she uttered, her eyes cold as she watched you.

"Don't speak like you understand it. Eddard was your husband's closest friend and your son had him murdered. The Starks have every right to be leading a war against you," you spat at her, allowing yourself to calm down before you spoke again. "And I have never 'Swanned' in my life," you growled lightly, watching as Jaime began to chuckle.

"You're beginning to sound like one of them," Cersei muttered as she moved towards you. "You need to remember that you are still a Lannister, and as an unmarried woman, Father's word is final," she finished and you glared at her as you gave a short nod.

"May I be excused, Your Grace?" you asked her, voice bitter as you moved past her, towards the doors of her chambers.

"Promise us that you won't be stupid, Y/N," Jaime interrupted before you could reach the door, and you turned to face him with a quick shrug. "Don't go to him. We don't want to lose you, you are our little sister and we care about you. I'm sure Tyrion would say the same," he told you, not moving from his seat at the table.

"No," you hissed pointing a finger at him as your arm shook with anger. "Tyrion cares more about my feelings than he does about our families reputation," you hissed simply before turning to your sister. "And if you had any control over your son I wouldn't be in this position, so don't start lecturing to me about love," you added before turning and leaving the room in a hurry.

When you reached you chambers, you broke down, tears running down your cheeks as you repeatedly punched the door you had just closed. You fell to the floor, your hand bloody as you sobbed, uncontrollably choking for air as you huddled clutching at your wounded hand in pain.

"Y/N?" you heard softly from outside of the now bloodstained door. "Are you alright?" the voice came again as you tried to get your breathing under control. As the door edged open, you saw Sansa's head poke around the corner finding you on the floor looking up at her through your tears and her eyes went wide. "What on earth happened?" she cried in disbelief as she came in, shutting the door behind her and sitting beside you on the floor.

"Robb," you choked out, pausing to get your breathing even. "My father has ended the betrothal, I'm not to marry Robb any more," you stuttered out, your voice shaking.

"I'm so sorry," she spoke gently, drawing you into an awkward but tight embrace on the stone floor. "He'll always love you," she added as her hands began to brush through your hair, soothing away your tears as she spoke.

"But we'll never be married. Our families are at war, he's leading the attack against my father," you sniffled against her, listening to the sound of her light breathing as she comforted you.

"He still loves you. Write to him; explain what's happened," she told you and you nodded as you pulled away, still cradling your hand to your body. "Do you want me to stay with you?" she asked as you both got to your feet and you shook your head in response as you moved over to your desk.

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