Khal Drogo X Reader - Promiscuous (Requested)

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You felt like you had been screaming for an age; your throat was raw from the yelling, your voice beginning to falter as you attempted to continue. There were shattered clay pots littering the fraying carpet, in the centre of the dirt floor; gifts you had been given at your wedding, only a year or so before. You stood at one end of the tent, your fists clenched tightly as you glared at your husband who seemed to be almost cowering behind his throne on the other side. There were tears running down your reddened cheeks as you shook your head.

"Y/N, please stop yelling," he called out, poking his head around the side of the wooden chair to see your shaking form. "Let me explain," he added as he began to straighten up, only for you to grab another vase from the floor and launch it at him.

"No, you don't get to explain," you cried, all of your energy having been wasted on yelling already. "You slept with her. She's not even some random whore, she was my friend," you yelped out as you crumbled to the floor, curling in on yourself as the realisation hit you. Your husband had been sleeping with one of your closest friends, the person you told everything to, and you had been none the wiser.

"You need to listen to me," Drogo whispered from where he sat, still a safe distance from you, in case you were to go into another rage.

"Oh, so you're going to order me around now?" you asked, looking up at him through your tears. "What gives you the right?" you spat, turning so that you didn't have to look at him; you felt sick even being in the same room as him. "I want you to leave," you whispered, bringing your knees up to your chest and resting your forehead against them.

"Please, Y/N," he pleaded as you hiccupped for air. You just silently shook your head at him, ignoring his sigh as he got to his feet. "I love you," he added as he began to walk towards the door, but he hesitated when you spoke again.

"You're a shit liar," you growled at him, your head still burrowed against your knees.

*Time Skip*

You sat in silence on the dirty floor of Drogo's throne room; you hadn't had the strength to move since you had told him to leave and it wasn't until around an hour later that Jorah had come to find you.

"Khaleesi?" he questioned as he entered the room, only to be met with your quiet sobs. "Who's hurt you, my Queen?" he asked as he came to kneel beside you, watching as you peaked out from under your hair.

"I'm not hurt," you choked out, only to receive a raised eyebrow in response. There was no point lying to Jorah, he knew you too well. "Our Khal has been fucking other women, more specifically, he has been bedding my friends," you muttered, noticing his taut face.

"It 's the way of the Dothraki, Khaleesi, it's not common for a Khal to be faithful to his wife here," he told you and you scoffed loudly.

"Drogo knew that what he was doing was wrong. He came and confessed to me as if it were a crime," you spat, the words lingering too long on your tongue.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he told you, taking your hand in his own gently. "But there is nothing you can do, he's your husband, and your Khal, and he's within his rights to bed as many women as he would like," Jorah finished, before standing and pulling you to your feet.

"Where are we going?" you asked as he began to pull you from the tent.

"The room needs cleaning. We don't want people hurting themselves on the broken shards," he told you as he dragged you outside, only for you to walk into his back as he stopped suddenly.

"Where is the Khaleesi?" you heard your husband grunt on the other side of the man. He had never been a big fan of your Jorah's, though the older man cared for you like a daughter of sorts.

"She's not fit to speak with you at present," Jorah growled back. "I'm sure you can visit her when she's feeling up to it," he added.

You were soon sent stumbling to the floor as Jorah was shoved backwards into you. As your butt hit the dirt, you let out a harsh breath.

"Y/N?" Drogo sighed softly as he moved around your friend, crouching beside you and watching as you turned your head away from him, scrambling back to your feet. You felt his hand grab your wrist as you began to stalk away and quickly rounded on him, your hand making sharp contact with his cheek.

You glared at him as you watched his friends come to his side, waiting for their orders. Jorah was standing close behind you, ready to defend you if the worst were to happen. "You don't get to touch me; not now, not ever," you hissed at your husband, your eyes locked on his, your jaw taut.

"Let's go inside, we can talk," he told you, attempting to usher you towards one of the tents a little further away from the crowd that was now forming.

You scoffed as you shook your head. "Why would I want to go anywhere with you?" you huffed through your gritted teeth. "You disgust me," you spat and his face fell.

"Please Y/N, I need to explain," he begged, his hand reaching for you again, only for you to take a step out of its way.

"The Khaleesi has heard all you have to say," Jorah spoke, his voice clear amongst your more hushed voices. You nodded quickly before turning on your heel and beginning to walk away from the crowd.

"I didn't fuck her," Drogo's voice echoed around the empty space between the tents, causing you to stop in your tracks. "It was expected of me to do so, but I lied. I've only made love to you since our marriage," he spoke again, his voice weaker as his blood riders began to laugh behind him. The laughter grew as you kept your back turned to the men, all joking about your husband's lack of promiscuity.

"Shut up," you growled and the crowd fell silent as you turned and ran at Drogo, flinging your arms around him as you pulled him into a rough kiss. "Gods you're an idiot, you could have just told me," you panted as you pulled away, looking down into his grinning face.

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