Bran Stark X Greyjoy!Reader - Soulmates (Requested)

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You were in the courtyard of Winterfell when it first happened. A shock of pain hit your whole body like a brick wall and you screamed as you crumpled to the ground. You could hear Theon's fearful shouts getting closer as you scrunched your eyes shut, trying to hold off the pained cries you wanted so badly to release. It was then that you heard voices shouting for Robb to go to the old tower, that Bran was hurt, and you wanted to go with him, to comfort Bran despite your own pain.

"Y/N?" Theon whimpered as he shook you, a sigh of relief coming from him when you opened your eyes, the pain quickly receding from your body as you looked up at him.

"What happened?" you murmured as you began to sit up with a little help from your older brother, cutting him off before he could speak. "What happened to Bran? We have to go to him," you added and your Theon scoffed.

"I'm much more worried about you. You should rest," he uttered as he pulled you to your feet and ushered you towards your chambers.

As you got closer to your rooms, you heard people running down the halls towards you, and you were both pushed out of the way by the Maester as he jostled towards Bran's chambers.

"Maester Luwin," you cried out and the old man hesitated for a second to look at you. "What's happened?" you asked softly.

"Bran fell from one of the towers," he told you, giving you a sad smile. "Robb told me what happened to you, child. I'll come and find you once I've helped him. I'm sure some milk of the poppy would do you some good," he added before hurrying down the hall again.

"No wonder his mother told him to stop climbing, he doesn't have sure enough footing," Theon mumbled as he ushered you into your chambers. Once you had come inside, you watched silently as your brother pulled back the covers for you to climb into bed. "Come, you must be exhausted," he started as he gestured at the mattress.

"Bran is the best climber I've ever seen. He wouldn't have fallen without cause," you muttered as you sat down, yanking your muddy shoes from your feet and swinging your legs up onto the bed.

"Don't worry yourself about it, the Maester will do all he can," he told you, ruffling your hair gently and smiling down at you. "You scared me out in the yard," he added softly, taking a seat at the foot of your bed.

"I'm sorry," you whispered back with a small smile and a shrug, your own attempt to prove you would be fine, though you were fairly scared yourself.

"What happened?" he asked as he pulled off his own boots and settled on his back by your feet, like the dire wolves did for the Stark children. An act of loyalty and protection.

"I don't know, but it hurt," you told him as you curled up under the warm sheets.

"You know? Old Nan used to tell me stories about how soul mates could feel each others pain. She said that there were ladies who would collapse dead in the Great Halls of their castles as their loves were slaughtered on the battlefield," he murmured, lifting his head awkwardly to look at you properly. "You could be Bran's soul mate," he teased and you shook your head in disbelief. Your brother knew of your love for Bran, you admired his sense of adventure and his kindness, even if he wasn't the most skilled fighter.

"Don't be ridiculous, Theon," you spat before turning over and burying your face into the cool pillow.

*Time Skip*

You and Theon had been trapped in Winterfell with Ramsay Bolton for months before Sansa appeared, ready to become his wife. You had cried when you saw her, you were never close as children, but she was the closest thing in the castle to a friendly and familiar face that you had seen in a long time. You had been refused when you asked to visit your brother, and even now, you had to beg to be allowed to see the girl you had been delighted to hear of.

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