Theon Greyjoy X Manderly!Reader - The last of her name (Requested)

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"I'm Theon Greyjoy, last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, lord of the Iron Islands. I'm here on behalf of Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell and The King in the North. It's an honour, Lady Manderly," the man told you, staring up at you where you sat at the centre of the table in the Great Hall of your home. "Our King requests more men for the war, My Lady," he added when you didn't speak and you raised an eyebrow at him.

"More men?" you questioned him, a small smile pulling at you lips. "Tell me, Lord Greyjoy, where do you expect me to find these men?" you asked again, continuing when he remained silent. "My house has already given you my father, and all three of my brothers, alongside almost every other man we had in our service, and not one of them has been returned to us, nor will they ever be returned. We don't have a single male heir left living, and once I marry the house will cease to exist," you told him, your face set in a stoney frown.

Running your house was proving to be difficult, and at this point you were the only one of your family left due to Robb Stark and his ridiculous war. Rumour had it that he didn't even want to be King, that he was willing to put Stannis Baratheon on the Iron Throne. Your mother had died in childbirth with your youngest brother, a man killed by Tywin Lannister's men on the battlefield, your Father was killed in the same battle, the same battle where your oldest brother had been taken as a hostage, only to have his throat cut when he had no one to help him. Your middle brother, however, had lived through the battle, with only a wound on his thigh from a sword, which of course was not enough to have him sent home to you, but when it got infected from the wet, muddy field they had been living in, he also ended up losing his life. Within two weeks you had lost the only family you knew and the Stark boy had once again sent someone else to ask for more.

You noticed that Theon had still not spoken, trying to find the words to say to you. "Do you expect me to find my own armour and come and fight with you, Lord Greyjoy? I have very little training but if it's what the King in the North orders I suppose I'll give it a try," you told him and he shook his head.

"No, My Lady, I'm sorry that he has sent me here, I wasn't made aware of the losses you have suffered of recent," he uttered, his eyes cast to the floor in shame.

"You may stay the night and head back to camp in the morning. There's no point riding when it's so late, and I have always prided myself on my houses hospitality to even the most demanding of men," you told him and he nodded at you with a small smile.

"Thank you, My Lady," he spoke softly as you gestured for him to take the seat opposite you at the table, the two other men who were with him came to sit either side of him, and you nodded to each of them in turn.

"Bring some Dornish wine for the table, I'm sure our guests haven't had the taste of a good drink in quite a while," you murmured to one of the serving girls who nodded quickly before scurrying out of the room, "Tell me, Lord Greyjoy, are we winning the war?" you asked him as you settled, keeping your eyes on his.

"It's hard to say, My Lady," he started softly. "We've won many battles but we've lost a lot of good men, such as your brothers and your father, who were the pivotal fighters for our forces. It's unclear if we'll be able to overthrow the Lannister soldiers without them," he told you as the serving girl came back into the room, pouring wine into each of the five cups at the table.

"And are the rumours of the Kingslayer true?" you asked as you raised your own cup to your lips, sipping at it as you watched him over the brim.

"They are, My Lady, he's been our prisoner since the battle of the whispering woods, but he's not been very cooperative as of yet," he told you as he gulped from his own cup.

"Please, call me Y/N, no need for all of this formality," you told him with a smile, which he returned as he nodded. You were about to speak again when a small grey kitten leapt up onto Theon's lap, rubbing itself against his body. "I'm sorry about my pet," you laughed when Theon tensed up. "How funny that he takes to you so easily, given that you have the same name," you chuckled and he looked at you in confusion as he allowed the kitten to rub it's tiny head against his large hands. "He is called Theon, my mother was a Baratheon, and I decided to name him after the second syllable of her maiden name," you told him as you held out your hands, the little kitten pouncing towards you onto the table and down into your own lap as you ran your fingers through his fur.

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