Tywin Lannister X Reader- Don't call me baby.

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(A/N) - This imagine came about when I was listening to the song 'Don't call me baby' by Madison Avenue. It's a super old-school dance-inducing pop song from 1999, for all of you babies who have never heard of it. I just adore it.

You had been spending far too much time with Tywin Lannister. From the moment you had heard the first rumour of your sordid affair with the Hand of the King you knew that you should put some distance between the two of you. But he was kind to you, unlike most of the Lord's that lived in the Red Keep, and his company was something you had grown accustomed to. There had always been a worry in the back of your mind that he may grow attached to you, but you had never been good at making good decisions in your life.

"Joffrey believes that I'm bedding you," Tywin chortled as he sat across from you, watching as you sipped from the cup of wine in your hands. You took a deeper gulp, buying yourself some more time before you would be forced to speak. "I don't mind, of course. I think it'll keep you safer in the city if he thinks I have grown close to you," he continued.

You quirked an eyebrow at his comment, remaining silent as you placed your cup back on the table that sat between the two of you. You allowed your hands to rest on your lap before you spoke again. "I must admit that I would prefer to clear up the rumours. It'll have a negative effect on my chances of being courted."

Tywin let out a chuckle at your comment. "You don't want to be courted. You are too free to want to be married, (Y/N)," he laughed, causing you to furrow your brow. "If you had wanted to be courted I would have married you myself by now," he added causing you to scoff.

"And who says I would ever want to marry you?"

"Come now (Y/N), we spend so much time together it's almost as if we are married already. All that's missing is a shared chamber and a change in name." You could sense that Tywin was teasing you but your feelings were hurt. You had always tried to be independent but he was right. You had fallen into a routine with Tywin that resembled a marriage.

"Okay, perhaps I don't want to be married," you huffed as you got to your feet. "And I don't want a faux husband either," you added before heading for the door of Tywin's chambers.

"Where are you going?" Tywin got to his feet, following close behind you until you stopped on the spot.

"What are we doing? Neither of us wants to be wed, why are we torturing ourselves like this?" you asked him, not able to turn and make eye contact for fear you would burst into tears.

"What do you mean 'torturing ourselves'? I happen to quite enjoy your company." You could tell that Tywin was hurt but it was bound to happen eventually. It was better for the blow to come now before either of you got too involved.

"Nothing can come of this Tywin. It's time for us to go our separate ways."

"Don't you dare walk out of this room." Tywin's voice was so low it pained you, he was serious when he said he enjoyed your time together, but you were serious when you had decided not to marry. You weren't so sure of your decision now however as you kept your back turned to him. "Please," he added, his voice no more than a whisper.

"Don't make this any harder than it already is," you began before you felt Tywin's hands on your shoulders, turning you gently to face him and taking your cheeks in his hands.

"I didn't want to remarry after Joanna. I didn't think I would ever meet someone who would make me change my mind. But you-" he paused for a moment, looking into your face as you began to frown.

"I don't wish to marry anyone, Tywin. I'm sorry but I cannot wave away my beliefs because one man tells me he cares about me." His face fell as soon as you finished speaking, pulling his hands away from your cheeks and taking a step back from you.

"Then I think it would be best if you left."

"I enjoyed spending time with you, Lord Tywin. I'm sorry it had to end this way." He nodded in response and you hesitated for a moment before turning to leave the room, headed back to your own chambers.

You did care about him, he was sweeter to you than you had ever seen him be with anyone else, sweeter than he was with any of his children, or his grandchildren for that matter. And he was handsome, especially for someone of his age. But you had almost caused a war when you had sworn yourself to a life of celibacy, and your father had been furious. It would make you seem weak to go back on your promise to yourself after so long. You had never even thought about going back on your promise until you had met Tywin though, and there was no doubt that you would be happy enough to share the rest of your life with him.

You paused mid-step, halfway down the corridor, turning slightly to look back towards Tywin's chambers. Gods, you really did love the man. Without a second thought, you rushed back to his door, banging on the wood until it was pulled open. You stood in silence for only a moment before launching yourself at Tywin, pressing your lips to his.

"I'm sorry," you muttered as you pulled away from him, allowing your hands to play with the hair at the base of his neck. "I want to marry you if you'll have me."

Tywin smiled softly down at you, though it was more of a smirk than you would usually be happy with. "Do you really think I would ever turn you away?" he murmured to you before leaning down to press another kiss to your lips. "I'll have it sorted."

It felt as though you had never smiled as widely or as brightly as you did that night, sitting close to Tywin's side as he told his children that he would be remarrying. You weren't sure about Cersei's reaction, she had never seemed to stop scowling anyhow, but both of the boys seemed delighted to see their Father so happy.

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