Chapter 12

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Well a week has passed and it's now Saturday the day we have to go to that anniversary thing. This week has been rough tireding but good. Who knew Jake could be so energetic.

Jayden well he's.........Jayden I guess he speaks when he wants to, is nice when he wants to be we haven't argued...........much.

He's alright we do have those staring moments but that's that.

Bad thing is this staying away and this not getting attached thing is.............hard. Jake is such a wonderful boy and I can't stomach the thought of me having to give him up after all these months. How would he feel. He'll hate me. Being with Jake and Jayden constantly reminds me of what I don't have. I've always wanted to have these family moments you know, and I feel them with them but then I don't want to cause it'll be hard it'll be hard after the months.

I was snapped out of my day dream when I heard the car stop. I looked out of the window to see we've reached home- I mean Jayden's house.

"Come on Jake and don't you both forget about the dinner party we have to go to, Jayden remember" I said giving him a stern look as he took Jake out of the car.

"Yeah yeah, do we really have to go" he groaned. I rolled my eyes at him and took out Jake's painting they did at school and I then took out his bag. I sighed slamming the car door. Jake had to go to class today for some painting class. It was pretty noisy with a bunch if kids but I did get to hang out with Amy so that was a plus.

I'm really tired, like last night Jake woke up in the middle of the night crying and then he couldn't sleep. I lent against the car door as my body ached for sleep.

I wanna tell Jayden I do but I know that's another argument and I don't want that. You see even though Jayden's good with Jake and all. I do all the hard work.

Getting up at late hours, doing the dishes, bathing Jake, feeding him, helping him with his school stuff, putting him to sleep, sleepless nights.

Don't get me wrong I love Jake but it's just that I feel Jayden should pitch in some more. I mean he gets to go out on Friday nights but I don't. We're supposed to work as a team.

But he's only there to play with Jake and that's a good thing but I just need him to help around the house more.

"Hey, you alright" I heard Jayden say. He was at the front door holding onto Jake. I raised my head.

"Mmmhmmm, just peachy" I replied and sighed.

"You sure" he asked with a quirked eye brow. I sighed and walked towards them.

"Yes now can we drop it" I asked bitterly. What??? I'm really tired.

"What crawled up your ass" he asked with a slightly clipped tone.

"Jayden for God's sake, language!!!" I hissed.

"What's ass" I heard Jake ask innocently as he peered up at me. His beautiful brown eyes met mine. I felt warmt by jsut looking at him.

"Nothing baby, don't say that again okay, only bad boys do" I said and smiled sofly at him. He nooded and went back to playing with Jayden's shirt.

"Can you just open the door" I asked irritatablely. He just looked at me for a couple more seconds and then he opened the door.

Urghhhh!!!! Finally. I walked inside and then I remembered.

"Urghhhh! I forgot the wine and cake in the car, can you get it please Jayden" I asked as I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I felt footstep behind me.

"Can I go play with my toys for a wittle please and then I promise I'll do my homework and then get ready" Jake said and looked at me with his gooey eyes. I swear the kid knows that I melt with those things he does with his eyes.

"Sure, but not for long we have to get ready soon" I said sofly and pinched his cheeks. He quickly ran off.

A couple of hours later.

"Jayden vet your butt over here and help me!" I yelled. He was downstairs watching some football match or something. I tell you the kid is lazy.

On the other hand Jake here is throwing a fit to get dressed to go to the anniversary party.

I look at Jake who's currently glaring at me. I glared back. He's angry cause I took away his stupid game thingy which might I add that I knew nothing about.

"Jayden!" I yelled harder. A couple of seconds later I heard some crashing sound and footsteps running uo the stairs.

"What what!" He exclaimed looking around alarmed. His hair was messy and he looked like he now woke up.

"Why do you look so alarmed." I asked confusedly. His eyes snapped to mine.

"Well when you're having the sleep of your life and then you hear yelling it's not like I would wake up and stretch like a princess" he said sarcastically and leaned against the doorframe.

"Oh just save your sarcasm, right now I need you to dress Jake cause I need to get dress and finish the other half of my hair" I said pointing to my other half of uncurled hair. I'm in a mess right now. Jayden looked at me and stiffled a laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him. Jake looked at him and they both shared a secret smile.

"You got something to say big guy." I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes up at him. He's really tall.

"Oh ni, nothing at all" he said and went and picked up an angry Jake. He stuck his tongue out at me and puffed out his cheek letting out a pout.

"What seems to be the problem between you to" he asked and tapped Jake's nose and then looked down at me.

"It's her fault" Jake exclaimed and crossed his arms frowning his eyebrows.

"How is it my fault, you didn't listen so I took your stupid game away which you shouldn't even have since you're only three for God's sake" I said and glared at Jayden.

Jake gasp "My game is not stupid" he huffed.

"Yes it is"
"No its not"

"Yes and lalalala I get the last say ha!" I exclaimed and clogged my ears.

"Oh my god! I thought I had to take care of one kid I was so wrong" Jayden groaned.

"Oh shut up, and get dressed both of you" I said pointedly and gave Jayden a look before I walked out but then I walked back jn.

"And Jake you're wearing that tie whether you like it or not." I said in a voice that screamed don't you dare argue with me or else....
What! Don't look at me like that the invitation said strictly fromal I didn't want people to layuh at us even if we're going for only a couple hours or less.

"Ha, good lock with that death trap honey" Jayden said.

"Oh sweety you're wearing one as well" I said with a sickly sweet voice but then glared at him to show him I'm not kidding.

"Like hell I'm going to listen to you" he said and scowled at me. I could already feel an argument going to start.

"Oh but you're going to, both of you........and do not test my patience right now understood" I said and glared at both of them. A deadly glare. Jake looked scared and Jayden stood speechless.

"Good" I said with a smile and walked out hearing they both groan. Hehe the power of women.


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