Chapter 29

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(Continuing from chapter 28)

After picking Jake up from school, we went home but Jayden went out a little later he said he had this 'thing'

I sighed as I finished my homework and I dropped myself on my bed, Jake was already asleep. He said he had a tiring day. I still haven't told my mother that I am Jake's legal parent now well both Jayden and I.

Speaking of Jayden, I just hope he does nothing stupid to ruin this again. I try not to think about it but then I think that I'm being so selfish, I can't expect the guy to stay at home everyday with me he could have some fun and I don't want him to feel as though I'm holding him back or anything.

On a brighter note school's year almost over so that means goodbye high school!!!! I can't wait even though I don't know how I'll manage as I would still have Jake and I don't know what'll happen to Jayden and I.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts as I pulled my sheet over my head missing Jayden's warmth.

After a couple minutes of twisting and turning I finally fell asleep.

"Jayden I'm serious!" I heard a voice hiss and it pulled me out of my sleep. I frowned my brows in confusion as voiced could be heard from downstairs.

"Shushhh, they're sleeping!" I heard Jayden's voice growl.

"Do I look like I care!" The voice hissed back.

I threw the covers of me as I padded across the hall and down the stairs. I followed the voices and when I reached the living room I saw Jayden his mother and father.

"Jayden" I spoke sofly as my voice was thick with sleep. His head turned in my direction and his gaze softened.

"Hey, go back to bed baby" he said sofly coming up to me and lightly kissing my forehead. I peeked over his shoulder and saw the tense face of his mother and his father sat their expressionless as ever.

"Is everything okay" I said sofly and looked into his eyes he smiled gently and kissed my nose.

"Yeah everything's fine" he whispered.

"Oh yeah everything is just fine you little slut, cause my son his going to Harvard and find a decent woman and not a girl like you over there" she sneered. What did I do to this woman?

I looked to Jayden and stepped back from his arms.

"What" I whispered.

"Bethany i-" he spoke but couldnt finish. I raised my head and looked at him.

"You're going to Harvard, well that's that's uh that's great Jayden" I said and faked my smile but I knew everyone saw through it.

He came closer but I stepped back. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I smiled at him trying to be happy for him but why! Why! Couldn't I be???? Why!!!

"You're going to Harvard" I whispered and smiled but the tears suddenly came. I didn't want to be like this when his parents were here but I couldn't help it.

I backed back until I touched the staircase with my back. I thought about everything the memories cane back all at once. What will I tell Jake. I looked at Jayden across  from the stairs he stood there looking at me his eyes expressionless but I could still see the pain.

I quickly looked at his mother her face portarying pure happiness and I looked at his father as he looked at me with a hint of sadness it shocked me but it didn't last long as I ran up the staircase and into my room closing the door and just standing in the middle of the room. I tried to smile and pretend I was happy for him but I couldn't.

"Bethany" I heard his soft voice behind the door.

"Listen to me baby, open the door I want to-" I cut him off.

"It's open" I said in a cold voice. With my back still facing the door I heard it open and Jayden's frantic breathing was the only thing that could be heard.

Soon I felt his chest on my back and his hand jerked out to touch me.

"Don't" I whispered as I stepped forward tears leaking out of my eyes. I suddenly felt angry and hurt.

"When were you planning on telling me" I said and turned around his eyes showed hurt pain saddness and frustration.

"No wait, were you ever going to tell me" I hissed suddenly my eyes were blazing ad I stepped forward and slapped his chest. His body jerked back.

"Huh were you!" I yelled. All the emotions hitting me at once. I pushed his chest again as tears flowed continuously. He let me do what I want.

"What am I suppose to tell Jake huh!" I yelled and looked at him my hair all over my face as I heaved my breaths my chest rising up and down in rapid beats.

"How am I going to explain evergay for 4 years why you aren't here, well that's only if you come back you probaly would find some smart ass woman to marry right!" I yelled and hit his chest over and over before falling to the ground holding my chest as my heart beat at an abnormal pace. His body fell al well and his Ames encircled around me and I pulled his shirt wanting to feel him even though I just yelled at him. Pretty fucked up isn't it.

"Im-im sorry, I should be happy, happy for you you've just got accepted into one of the greatest college even before you graduated." I whispered as I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Baby, I was going to tell you, you have to believe me, I just i didn't know how to, I don't even want to go Bethany, I have you and Jake that's my responsiblity." He whispered holding both my cheeks in his hands.

"No Jayden your responsibility now is to get an education, I alreday made up my mind and said I wanted to stay here, I've always wanted that........but you can't give up your dream" I said sofly and caressed his cheek.

He pressed his forehead to mine closing his eyes.

"My biggest dream right now is to see you and Jake happy and I want to be the sole reason of both your happiness" he whispered and I smiled as I felt the tears gathering again.

"I know that but you can't you know that your mother is going to make you" I said and his eyes opened as anger consumed them.

"I know" he hissed and closed his eyes again before wrapping his arms around me.

"I'll always be yours baby" he said sofly. My face snuggled into his chest.

"I know" I whispered back as my heart went heavy with his words. Why do this have to happen to us. Just when everything was going fine.

"And you'll valways be mine" he said as if seeking assurance of what he said.

"I know" I choked out.

We both knew that but I knew and he knew that he would have to go, he would have to leave and I don't know how in the world would I handle that.

He's leaving too.

Jake might leave you.

Your dad left taking also your mother.

Maybe you weren't meant for love.

Everyone you loved always left.

I gripped him tighter  holding onto him like my life line. How could I ever explain this to Jake to my baby.


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Love always,

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