Chapter 27

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A week past and it was the same ole story over and over again. Jayden will watch me from the hall, he would beat up guys for trying to make a pull at me and guess what! He was there at the museum he he thought I didn't see him but did, and even before that I felt him. After school I'll drive slow to pick up Jake cause Jayden visits him every evening it was like an unsaid routine, then I'll go home and cry my heart out.

"Mama" a voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked at Jake and he rubbed his tired eyes atleast we'll get to sleep late and tomorrow is Saturday. He climbed into my bed and snuggled next to me.


I has thought I made the right decision but when in truth I just wanted to see him fight, make am effort to reach out He didn't.

I looked away when I saw the happily in love couple giggle at one another. It hurt, maybe it was selfish of me but my heart broke more and more everytime I saw a couple. Why couldn't we have that. I sometes think it's my fault maybe I should have stayed but what sense woils it have made, we would continue our same old routine. Yell, fight, walk out the door and then apologize and I'll happily accept.

I strool through the grocery picking up my items. Jake was at home with my mom they seemed to have warned up to each other.

I stretched to reach the cereal box groaning at my shortness. I jumped to reach it nearly falling.I then felt an warm chest being presses into my back an arm around my waist. I gasp and the person's warn breath hit my neck. No one accellerated my heart beat like him, so I knew who it was.

He stepped away from my body and I turned around. I was met with a pair of dark eyes. Jayden. He continued to stare at me intensely.

"Hey" I said sofly fumbling with my fingers. His eyes swept over me as if looking to see if I was alright, when he got his confirmation he looked back into my eyes.

"What are you doing out so late........ by yourself" he spoke without any emotions. I narrowed my eyes.

"It's only 8:00 Jayden" I said and put the cereal into my trolly beifrey continuing my shopping well aware of his footsteps behind me. I saw he had a basket in his hand occupied with a few snacks and microwaved food.

"'s Jake" he said quietly. I continued walking with him behind me.

"Good, he misses you" I whispered.

"How's your mom" he asked. I frowned my brows.

"She's uh fine" I answered back. I stopped by the snacks and got a few for Jake but not to much.

"And how's are you" he whispered. I stopped walking as tears gathered for no reason. We were so awkward it was killing me.

"I'm good" I croaked out and continued walking.

"How are you" I asked as I didn't know what to say.

"Sleep deprived" he answered honestly and my lips croaked up. I nodded and continued walking my heart heavy and I heard his ragged breathing. My hands slightly shook at the handle of the trolly.

"Oh fuck this!" He mumbled before I felt my body jerk back and slammed into the grocery Lane I gasp as tingles shot through my body and before I had time to comprehend the situation hard lips were slammed into mine.

His lips moved desperately and I hoped no one saw us. His hands behind my  neck and one on my waist pulling my body closer and closer. Tears slipped out of my eyes as we kissed with urgency as if we hadn't seen each other in years. Tingles ignited. My hands gripped his hair and his arms around my waist liflted me of the ground my feet dangling as he pulled my  impossibly close he let me  done and titled my body done dipping me as my neck titled up. If people saw us they would have thought we were some sort of crazy animals as I was crying and kissing. Jayden's movements were uncoordinated as he tried all different positions to get me closer, when I was out of breath I pulled my body away ad I presses my palms into his chest holding his at distance as I bent my head. Fingers titled my chin up.

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