Chapters 16

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"What do you mean you don't know when she'll wake up, what the hell aren't you a doctor." I heard a voice snap.

"Sir calm down, look......she's........ Waking" another voice said. And almost instantly I felt a shadow over me and I also felt a tiny hand on my stomach. A smile made its way to my face. My eyes opened slowly and it took a while for me to adjust to the light. I saw Jayden's worried gaze and he breathed a sigh of relief and then I saw Jake who was trying to reach the bed but it was to high.

"Hi sweety" I said and tried sitting up but I felt pain shot through my back. Jayden was immediately by my side and helped me. He was going to say something but Jake's voice cut him off.

"I'm sorry mama for not talking you this morning, I didn't want you to get hurt mama" he said with a sad expression. I was shocked and my eyes was wide. He called me his mother. I felt Jayden in take a breath.

I grabbed him and licked him up hifging him to my chest ignoring the pain.

"I love you mama" he said. Tears flew out of my eyes.

"I love you to baby" I said and hugged him tighter afraid he'll go away.

I felt Jake then let go and crawl to Jayden and then stood on the bed and threw himself at him. He hugged Jayden and Jayden looked shocked and....................scared. Jake said he loved him to and I cried at the sight. I saw Jayden then hugged Jake back really tight and closed his eyes. I saw him open his eyes and mutter 'I'm sorry' but I turned my face the other direction. For a second I almost forgot how I'm actually in this position right now.

Jayden pulled away from Jake when he heard the door open.

"Oh my god Bethany!! Are you okay??? I thought you were going to go into a coma for a year and then wake up but then you wouldn't know anyone and you would think your name is Bubble or something!!!!!" My over dramatic friend Amy exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and chuckled alittle.

"No Amy my name's clearly Bethany" I said. I then saw Natasha glare at Luke when he pushed her and eneterd the room before her and he gave her a cheeky grin.

"What's up with you too" I asked nodding at Natasha.

"He's such a stupid hairy over grown fat dumb smelly irritating monkey" she said and glared at him. He jsut raised his brows on amusement. Natasha and her words.

"What! I'm the problem! She's such a stuck up princess and wants everything done her way" he said and glared at her. Of course she does she's one of those rich kids with the perfect family but she's not mean she's jsut alittle demanding. She has akind heart though.

"No Beth all he does is sit in the corner of the library and do nothing but be on his phone he should've had to take care of a baby I would've died with laughter cause he's so irresponsible that he doesn't know how to do anything!"she snapped. The both of them glared at each other. Wow.

"Atleast we know which go friends have alot in common" I said and looked at Jayden. He looked away.

"Guys we didn't come here to here about your relationship status, we came to see how Bethany's doing" Brandon said- wait Brandon I dijdnt even know he was here and he also had a little cutey girl in his arms.

"Aw and who's this little cutey" I exclaimed.

"Sam, that's my baby" Amy said and looked at her lovingly. Brandon looked down at Amy with an expression I know all to well to miss.

I suddenly felt someone nudge me. I looked and saw Jake with pink cheeks.

"That's me fwend" he said shyly looking at the beautiful blonde girl. I saw Sam also blushing. Awwwww how cute.

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