Chapter 17

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"Mama mama" I heard and felt tiny hands touching my cheek. I immediately jolted up ignoring the pain. I opened my eyes and saw Jake in Jayden's arms as he reached over to me. I instantly grasp him in my arms and kissed all over his face and checked for any injury. I heard his melodious giggle and I couldn't have felt happier.

"Don't." I warned in a strict voice. He immediately nodded and snuggled in my chest.

"Where was he" I asked and when Jayden opened his mouth I cut him off.

"Wait! I don't want to know once he doesn't have any injuries do you have Jake??? huh are you okay???? did anyone tell you anything??? did you fall??? do you have a cut??? huh! why aren't you answering me??? " I said all in a rushed voice. She shook his head no and I saw Jake pull my body closer as he nestled into me. I smiled sofly and ran my fingers through his hair. He sighed. He loved when I did that.

"Come on Jake let her rest" he said and came over to Jake and as if something clicked everything came back all the hurtful words, everything.

"He can stay wherever he wants" I scowled.

"Don't do this not now" he warned which enraged me more.

"Don't do what Jayden! Don't do what!" I hissed at him and I felt Jake looking at us. I can't do this anymore. He wants to get angry. How dare he!! He yelled at ME!

"You know what I can't do this right now Bethany, what do you want from me, please, tell me!" He snapped.

What really do I want. All I know is I can't stand seeing him with other girls my blood boils. I hate it when we fight, I hate how he makes me feel, I hate those stupid butterflies I get when he touches me, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

I got up from the bed, wow my body feels so much better now. I poked my finger on his chest.

"You know what Jayden Black, I hate this, I hate you, I hate everything about you! I hate how you're never at the house, you never answer your phone when I'm worried out of my mind, I hate when you yell at me, I hate how you glare at me whenever I talk to other guys but then you kiss other girls in front of me, I hate how you make me feel like we're a family and then you ceush that the next minute, urghhh!!!! I hate yo-" I was cut off when I felt warm lips smash against mine. Tingles shot through my body and my eyes were wide open in shock as Jayden's were closed tightly in concentration. My eyes soon fluttered closes for no reason.

I felt his arm go around my waist pulling me flush against his body as his lips practically begged me to kiss him back and I did, to my utmost surprise. My arms flew around his neck and I pulled him closer to me and I felt him kiss me harder as he gently walked me backwards to the wall. His arms started roaming lower and I smiled through the kiss putting back onto my waist, I felt him smirk back.

Our moment was cut short when I felt a tiny body push through in between us and I looked down to see Jake. Shit! I forgot he was here.

Jake started throwing his tiny little fists on Jayden's leg.

"Don't eat my mommy" he said angrily. I laughed and heard Jayden let out a chuckle. A blush crept up my cheeks thinking about what we were doing.

"Blush away butterfly" I heard his reading voice said and u blushed more I didn't even see him looking at me. I hid my face from him bending it.

"How about we take you and mummy home, what say" he asked Jake but looked at me.

It's amazing how natural it is to call his place my home but it's also amazing how easily you become attached to things.

So what do you guys think. Wooohooo they finally kissed what do you'll think........ Please please pleaseeeeee comment and vote. It'll mean alot!!!! Thanks guys.

Love always,

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