Chapter 19

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Bethany's pov.

I pulled up into the familiar driveway and typed in the password to unlock the front door. I tiptoed into the house so the maids and my mother wouldn't hear me.

I wiped my tears and walked up the stairs. I'm not supposed to feel so hurt by what he said

Why should he even care that he took my first kiss he's probably eager to go tell his crew.

I layed in my bed and when my eyes started dropping I remembered Jake, shit Bethany how can you be so irresponsible.

But...........Jayden's there I don't think he's that bad to leave him unattended.............

The Next Morning

I woke up to a loud commotion being echoed through the house.
I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and went down.

At the same time I reached the front door it was flung open by an aggressive Jayden and a scared tired Jake still in his PAJAMAS.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry we tired to stop him." Our guard Mr. James said scaredly. Our eyes were still connected as I spoke. Thank god mom left already otherwise she would've thrown him out.

"It's okay, I know him..........altleast, I thought I did" I mumbled. The guard left and Jayden glared at him.

"Jayden what the hell!" I snapped at him. And walked towards Jake he looked really tired. I took him in my arms and he cuddled into me.

"You're asking me! Do. Not. Test. My. Patience. right now, do you know how worried I was! Why the hell didn't you come home last night!" He growled. I glared at him as my anger flared.

"Oh really you're asking me that! You know what I can't do this right now please just.............leave, I-i can't anymore" I said sofly as all the frustrations and anger came all to me at once and I felt the tears gathering. Why do we fight all the time. Maybe we really should forget what happened between us.........its not like it would work anyways.

I turned and went upstairs craddling a sleepy Jake. His eyes were all gooey as his finger was stuck in his mouth.

I walked up and into my room and by the time I reached he was sound asleep. I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry for leaving you baby" I whispered against his forehead. I placed my pillows around his tiny body and walked back downstairs.

Jayden was still there and he was now pacing up and down.

"Why are you here" I asked and crossed my arms. I didn't want to feel the emotions I got by being close to him so I stood my distance.

He looked up at me and took slow steps towards me, the look in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine. I took cautious steps backwards until my back hit the staircase. His arms trapped me against it as he placed his arm on the side of my head.

His face came down to the crook if my neck and I felt him inhale. My heart beat spiked up.

"Mmmh, how can you smell so good, just like fresh berries" he groaned and I stiffened. Did he just sniff me?

My breaths were now short and fast as the close proximity didn't do me justice.

His arms then slowly snaked down my arms around my waist, his arms encircled it and then jerked my body forward.

He rest his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I was still in shock as to what the hell was happening.

Why does he always do this and then yell at me and then come back and fill me with empty promises and stupid me always believes it. Why? Maybe because he's the first guy that has my heart racing everytime he's near.

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