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I groan softly flushing the toilet and slowly pull myself up, using the sink. I sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror, I've been puking non-stop and it's been a full day without Xander. Enough is enough I'm going to the fucking doctor. I brush my teeth and run water over my face, drying it up and walking out of the bathroom. I pick up the hotel phone and call the front desk, asking for the number of a doctor. After I hang up with the front desk I call the doctor's office and ask for an appointment.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, we don't have any slots for today or tomorrow." The secretary with a thick accent says and I sigh softly, putting my hand over my forehead.

"Listen, I get it, but I have been throwing up non-stop for a week and I can't take it anymore. Please, may I see the doctor- any doctor available today?" I say calmly.

"I said no, we're very busy. Now if you don't want to make an appointment for the future, in three days time, I have to go. As I said before we're very busy."

"Don't you dare fucking hang up on me. I'm not dealing with this shit anymore, now give me a damn appointment or I will personally come over there and-" I begin angrily.

"Claudia, give me the phone-" I hear someone new say with an American accent and shuffling behind the phone with the secretary muttering a few swear words in German. "Hello? I'm Dr. Roth, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I wanted an appointment, I've been sick for the past week." I sigh softly taking a deep breath to calm down, at this point Xander would've taken the phone from me and just told me when the appointment was. I'm not a people person. I just kill them... Well, not anymore.

"I believe I can squeeze you in but, it will have to be at the end of the day, is that fine?" She says and I feel a huge wave of relief fall over me.

"Thank you, that's fine, what time?"

"Uhh, 6:45 pm, may I have a name please?"

"Aria Montano." And I hear something knock over on the other side. Fuck, I should've used a fake name.

"Um- okay Ms. Montano, you can um come in at 6:45 pm and well get you checked out. Thank you, have a good day." The phone hangs up before I can say anything else and I shrug my shoulders, putting the phone down.

Before I left my gang we almost owned most of the world, if not all. And I'm not lying about that, I had allies and gangs in every corner I could get my hands on, even if it was an old rest home. Xander was the only other one actually giving me a bit of competition, which made everything harder. Germany along with a few other places, was a little tricky to get so I had to amp up the violence. By the end of it I still only controlled 75% of the entire place. Even though I don't/didn't control all of it everyone was still afraid to get in my way. I would've kept working to get all of it, but I ran away with Xander. I still have a bit of gang leader hostility and rage in me, which explains why I was so quick to get angry at the secretary... And the fact that I've been fucking throwing up.


I sit in a chair at the doctors office, staring at the white walls, with a hand over my stomach. I've thrown up twice after I made the appointment and have only eaten bread with peanut butter. I was only hungry for that, for some reason. I bite the edge of Xander's large black sweater, so I don't have to bite my nails. I wish he was here-

"Aria Montano." A nurse says opening the door leading into the doctors offices and I stand up following her inside. "Please stand on the scale." She says and I nod my head standing on it, looking down at the number. Hold up a fucking minute, I've gained two pounds? I've gained two pounds even though I've been vomiting every fucking second of the day, how the fuck does that work? After the nurse finishes her tests she walks out of the room and I sit on the paper sheet covered bed, slouching over and staring at my hands. I hate the doctors office.

"Ms. Montano?" I hear a knock on the door and a petite, blonde woman walks through the door. She's wearing a white lab coat so I'm assuming she's the doctor. "I'm Dr. Roth, we spoke on the phone." She walks over to me and shakes my hand stepping back and squirting some hand sanitizer on her hand, leaning on the counter. "So, what seems to be the problem?"

"I've been throwing up everyday since last week, when I arrived in Germany. But I've also seemed to gain two pounds." I say pushing my hair back behind my ear.

"Oh, well did you eat something that could've been suspicious or new? Maybe under cooked chicken or-?" She begins and I shake my head.

"I wasn't feeling well when I got on the plane here, so I didn't eat anything, and once I landed I ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. I've stomached a few things such as tea, bread and peanut butter, the occasional grilled chicken. I ate tuna fish, because I thought I was feeling better and that came up fast, I tried eating a sandwich with mayo and as soon as it hit my tongue it came back up. So I think it's like anything really smelly and maybe creamy stuff I throw up." I say and hold my stomach at even the thought of it.

"Interesting... When was the last time you started your period? And how long did it last?" Dr. Roth asks.

"Oh.... Uh.... Well, I guess it has been a while... Oh fuck I don't remember... It wasn't last month. Holy fucking- I might- oh shit." I feel my heart begin to race and I grip the sleeve's on my sweater.

"Well, Ms. Montano, you could very well be pregnant. And if you are pregnant that would explain the two pound weight gain, even though you haven't been eating sufficiently it could be bloating. Now, you'll have to take a test to either confirm or deny it, and there are a list of options on which one you could take. But I believe the fastest is a urine test." Dr. Roth begins and I stare at the ground only hearing my heart beat in my ears.

"I'll- I'll take the urine test." I manage to say and Dr. Roth nods her head.

"Okay there are empty cups in the bathroom right across from this room, please write your full name after you've finished and place it on the small basket on top of the bathroom and then I'll get back to you in a few days to tell you the results. Is there anything else concerning you?" Dr. Roth says and I shake my head, staying silent. "Okay then after you've finished your urine sample, that's all for today. It was nice meeting you." She shakes my hand again and walks to the door opening it for me. I get off the bed slowly and walk to the bathroom across the hall, walking in.

I close the cup and set it on top of the toilet, in the small basket, and begin washing my hands. I turn the sink off and look at myself in the mirror for a second, holy shit I might be fucking pregnant.


I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling, resting my hands on top of my stomach. It's been two days since my doctors appointment and still no word from her. I don't know how I should feel... I mean I'm only fucking 23. But if I'm pregnant this baby is my only blood related family, the only family I've had in forever. My phone begins ringing next to me and I pick it up instantly, my heart beginning to pound.

"Hello?" I say letting out a breath.

"Hi, Aria? This Dr. Roth, I'm calling about your test results." Dr. Roth begins and I say 'mhm' in response. "Well, Congratulation Ms. Montano, you are indeed pregnant. You're actually 5 weeks pregnant which is a bit strange since usually morning sickness begins at week 6, and the weight gain was due to bloating. But everything else is fine."

"Oh... Thank you." I mutter out.

"You're welcome, if you have any other issues please call me. Remember to eat as best as you can and still exercise during pregnancy. Congratulations, Ms. Montano, goodbye!" Dr. Roth says hanging up the phone and I just keep the phone to my ear.

"Holy shit-" I breathe out and put my phone down, "I'm fucking pregnant..." I begin to breathe quickly and and cover my mouth. I don't know if I should be fucking happy or scared, maybe I'm so scared I'm happy? Does that work? Holy shit, I'm pregnant... Holy fuck, what am I going to do? How am I going to tell Xander- "Xander!" I yell and pick my phone up, clicking his name and put the phone up to my ear as it begins ringing.

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