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I stand in the doorway of the hotel room with the door open staring back at my room. I spent a full year with him, a year of laughing, fighting, running away, and it was all fake. Every time I said 'I love you' I was just- it was all just fake. I place my hand over my chest and rub it gently, there's always a small pain in my heart. It gets worse when I keep thinking of Xander... Of his hair, his smile, his eyes staring into mine, his warm skin against mine, his lips- I take a deep breath and grab my two suitcases  walking out of the hotel room. I shut the door with tears stinging my eyes and walk to the elevator punching the elevator button with my fist. I will never cry again. No one fucking deserves my tears, no one will fucking see me vulnerable, no one. I shove my luggage's into the elevator and step in bashing the lobby floor button. I stride out of the elevator when it reaches the lobby and walk to the front, past the line straight to man at the front desk. I throw my key down along with my card.

"Ring me up. Now." I seethe through my teeth. He looks at me with scrunched eyebrows and I clench my fist until it turns white. "I said now." He nos his head quickly and begins typing on his computer, he hands my card back to me and I rip it out of his hand beginning to walk away.

"How come she gets to skip the line?!" I hear a high pitched squeal and give her a death glare making her instantly cower back. I storm out of the hotel and walk to the first cab I see, I walk towards the man and he automatically grabs my luggage as I get in the back. I tell him to go to the airport as soon as he sits down and he begins driving.

I grab my ticket from the lady in front of the door and begin walking the hallway. I take my seat and take a deep breath staring out the window. I'm going back. Back to Marissa and Max, my old gang. What else do I have to do? Xander fucking left me, I'm still in my 20's I'm not going to fucking sit around all day. I should put myself to use, who care's if I'm pregnant? I haven't told anyone though. They all probably still think I'm with Xander with my head in the clouds acting like an idiot. But when I get back everything's going to change, I'm taking anyone in my way down. I'm expanding my bases, raising my expectations and restrictions, my gang better be in fucking shape. I place my hand over my chest again and clench my shirt in my hands. I should calm down and fall asleep, I can't do anything now, I just have to be patient.

I open my eyes slowly as I hear noise of everyone getting up and getting their belongings. I sigh and rub my eyes getting up when almost everyone's gone and push myself up from the seat. I walk out of the plane and towards the where all the luggage is and wait. I grab both of my suitcases and walk out of the airport looking for a cab. I get a cab and tell him where to go as soon as he gets settle in his seat. I pull my phone out and glance at the time 8:00 pm. Everyone should be back at my house.

I get out and hand my money to the cab driver as he pulls my luggage out setting them next to me. I glance back as he drives away and I look forward at my house. I begin biting my lip staring, I don't want to come back but I have an aching desire to at the same time. I grab my luggage and begin walking to the front door ignoring my feelings. I reach into my pocket and raise my key to the lock. 'Stop it.' I mutter to myself as I see my hand beginning to shake. I unlock the door and walk in quietly. I pull my luggage in to the hallway and close the door behind me walking towards the living room. The lights are on, but no one seems to be home. I run my hand over the cushions of the couch, cold. Tv off, remote on the table, no dishes, I look on the floor, no shoes or guns lying around.

"Anyone home?" I yell to the enter house only getting a quiet echo in response. I reach in between the couch cushions and find a small handgun, fully loaded. I take the safety off and grab my both luggage in one hand making my way upstairs to my room. I walk down the hallway with caution and open the door to my room slowly. No one's in there so I set my luggage aside. I set the gun down and walk to my closet, opening it. I change into a loose black shirt and pull my pants off. I slip on a pair of black slippers and grab the gun again, walking around the house. Everything's still the same. I walk down the stairs and down the hallway near the living room towards my office. I open my door slowly and get a rush of cold air.

I walk inside towards my desk and run my hand across it. I pull my hand away to find my finger tips covered in dust, a small smile forming on my face. No one ever came in here, they all still respected my wishes. I sit down in my chair and place the gun down, swaying side to side slightly and lean my head back. 


"I'm not faking. If I was I'm one hell of an actor." He mutters against my neck.

"I don't believe you."

"I'll prove it."

"I never said I was giving you a chance."

"I'm not asking anymore."


"I said: I'm not asking anymore." He gets off the bed and runs a hand through his hair. He leans over and places a soft kiss against my lips. "I'm going to prove it's not fake. Don't care how long it fucking takes, you'll see Aria Montano, you'll see."


"Liar." I mutter softly to myself covering my eyes as I feel tears slip down my cheeks. He made a giant speech the first time he kissed me and- and it was all fake. I guess he really is one hell of an actor. I sniffle quietly wiping my eyes feeling a stinging pain in my heart again. "Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop it." I say to myself and take a few deep breathes wiping my eyes completely and shaking my head. "That's enough." I get off my chair and grab the gun walking out of my office. I stop in the doorway for a second then shake my head. I walk down the dark hallway quietly when I hear the front door opening. I stop for a second waiting to hear who it is.

"I could've taken more shots I just didn't want to be a hassle on Max, since he would've had to carry me back home!" Marissa yells out and I smile slightly.

"Yeah, fucking right, you're a damn Lightweight." Austin shoots back and I hear Marissa scoff.

"Marissa, you took one shot and I had to force you to drink a whole bunch of water, so you wouldn't go around taking your clothes off and singing horribly." Max laughs.

"You're suppose to be on my side!! Anyway shouldn't you be going home?" Marissa says irritably.

"No, I told you I'm sleeping here tonight because of the whole 'let's all kill a whole bunch of people in Austin's house, he won't mind!' It's taking William a while to clean it."

"Oh... Well I'm still not a Lightweight, so goodnight!!" Marissa yells and is about to storm off when I walk to the edge of the hallway leaning against the wall.

"You're a little bit of a Lightweight." I say putting the safety back on the gun, throwing it on to the couch.

"ARIA!" They all yell at the same time.

"Yeah?" I say.

"You're back!" Max yells out with a grin on his face and Marissa runs over to me give me a tight hug.

"Yeah, I'm back." I pat Marissa's back gently and she let's go of me still holding onto my arm.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Austin begins asking questions left and right.

"Aren't you suppose to be the one asking me all this?" I raise an eyebrow looking at Max. "But anyway it's kind of a long story-"

"We got time." Marissa says and I roll my eyes.

"I'll tell you a little later, I want to go to bed. But just know for now that I'm back... I'm back and fucking better. I'm putting this gang back in shape and nothing's going to fucking stop me."

Once a Gang leader Always a Gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now