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I stand in front of my full length mirror, lifting my shirt slightly, I'm showing a little. It looks like I ate a little too much. It's been two months since I got shot, two months since I've heard anything about Sam, and two months since I've seen Xander. It takes 21 days to break a habit, right? So why do I still think of him? Why- no, enough. I hit my head slightly to stop my thoughts on Xander and shake my head staring at my body again. The bullet wound has been taking a while to heal (Longer than I wish.) But Dr. Cain says I should stop complaining since I am technically healing faster than average. It still hurts but the wound has closed and I can walk on it now. I've had weekly ultrasounds at Dr. Cain's hospital/the gang's hospital, he wants to constantly check the baby because of 'stress.' Other than that I've had nothing else to do except send people out for jobs and keep an eye out for Sam. I pull my shirt back down and walk out of my room.

"Everyone's gone, house is empty, all the records have been updated. Maid cleaned everything yesterday, Dr. Cain didn't want to see me today, there's nothing to do." I speak to myself softly looking around the house as I wander the halls. I end up back at the top floor where my room is and walk to the end of the hallway, I stand in front of the door leading to the attic and stare at it for a moment. Last time I went up there was when I was putting all the stuff my family owned away, 7 years ago, the day after their funeral. I turn the knob slowly to see if it's unlock, and to my surprise it is. Switching the light on, I begin walking up the stairs, slowly, because my leg is starting to hurt.

I run my hands over the white wall under pictures of my family my mother hung to try and liven it up since I was always afraid to come up here with her. I step onto the floor and switch the lights on to again. My heart stops slightly as I see boxes scattered in the room, some on furniture some on the floor and some stacked in a corner. I though I did a better job of organizing this, well I was 14. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and take a deep breath beginning to move boxes and try to get some organization.

I'm able to most of the boxes into a corner to reveal a small tv, table, and couch. My mother was in the process of making this into a hang out for me and my siblings, I smile slightly at the thought. I try to move the last box off of the table but drop it because it's surprisingly heavy. I groan loudly and bend down to try and pick up all the paper and notebooks that fell out. I stop when I find two letters with my name on it. I sit down on the floor more comfortable and place one of the letter's on my lap opening the other. My heart clenches as soon as I realize who this is from, as soon as I recognize the hand writing, my father. 



My little bubble, my... Truth be told I don't know how to write this letter. I saw your mom writing one and then she pressured me into writing one, don't get me wrong for good reason it's just I don't have a way with words or expressing myself such as your mother. But anyway I'm writing this as you sit in front of my desk coloring in the princess book I got you, humming a song you must've made up. I hope you find this letter on account you were snooping around or I personally gave it to you but, is that isn't the case that means something's happened to me. And I would like to start of by saying, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, I unintentionally forced this life of murder on you. I didn't expect to fall in love with your mother, I didn't expect I would have a beautiful little baby girl, or even three children. I always stare at your little innocent eyes and fill up with regret over my life choices. I could've given you a better life, a quiet one, but instead because I was thinking I choose this nightmare.

However you came upon this letter, if I'm in front of you or not, I want you to know I love you. No matter what you hear or what has happened, I love you with all my heart. You and your mother saved me in more ways than one and I repaid you all by shoving this life on you. I'm sorry, if I didn't get to see you grow into a beautiful young woman. I'm sorry. I know I can't change the past or the situations around our family but please know my little Aria. I am proud of you in every way, no matter what you have done or will do, I am proud of you.

Everyday I see you grow older and I fear the possibility of you coming home from school or just from playing at the park to find me or your mother dead. You become more capable of taking care and fighting for yourself, but I will always worry about you. Because you have my stubborn mentality of never quitting even if it hurts you. I love you and I know what ever happens you'll fight every chance you get. If I truly am dead, my little princess, I want you to be as strong as your mother and as tough as I know you can be. Never forget that I am proud of you and that I love you more than anything else in the world. I've hidden something for you in the top right drawer of my desk it's under a false bottom, if you haven't gotten rid of it, I hope you'll like it.

Be safe, Aria, I will always be with you in spirit if not physically.


Your Dad, Raphael Montano.


I hiccup quietly as tears fall down my face and I set the paper down beside me so I don't get any tears on it. I put my mom's letter next to my dad's and pull my knees up to my chest, hugging my knees and cry harder.

"Dad..." I sob out and cover my face. "Dad, come back... Please, I need you."

"ARIA! HELP!" I hear Max scream through the house and panic rushes through me as I get up running down the stairs. Ignoring how much I want to cry and ignoring the pain shooting through my leg because my gang needs me. I rush to the living room where he comes in carrying a bloody and limp Marissa, a few gang members following him. He sets her on the couch.

"Where is she hurt? Did she got shot? Stabbed?" I ask with urgency but a calm tone to try and soothe Max slightly.

"I-I- don't know. She just collapsed- there's- there was so much blood. I don't-" He manages to stutter out.

"Get me the medical kit, someone besides Max." I say and people scramble around, I grab Max's phone from his pocket and call Dr. Cain. "It's Marissa, she's covered in blood we don't know all the exact wounds, my house, hurry." I immediately say when he answers then hang up and set the phone aside. I get up quickly and grab rag wetting it and rush back to Marissa. I take Max's pocket knife and cut open Marissa's shirt. I found the wound, a large gash right under her ribs running to her side. It's barely centimeter deep but it's long. It looks like she moved out of the way just before someone could fully stab her. "What gang?" I ask.

"I- Um- I think it was- I don't know... Just save her, Aria, please-" Max stands froze barely being able to make a full sentence and I try to clean Marissa up the best I can. Someone sets a medical kit beside me and I'm about to open it when Dr. Cain rushes in. I move to the side and he begins working immediately. I pull Max out of the living towards the hallway.

"Tell me what happened." I say firmly but Max tries to go back to the living room. "Listen to me, Max! Dr. Cain is trying to save Marissa right now. I know you love her, I know you want to help and I know it hurts. But I need you to focus and tell me what the fuck happened or which fucking gang it was." I say gripping his shoulders to keep him still and he stares at me.

"Sam... It was Sam." He croaks out his eyes filling up with tears. "Aria, save her, please." He begins crying and falls against me wrapping his arms around me tightly. I rub his back gently as he cries into my shoulder.

"She's lost too much blood." I hear Dr. Cain faintly say and my heart drops.

"No, save her, Aria. Save her." Max sobs out hugging me tighter. Sam did it, she's gotten me in every aspect now. Xander, physically injuring me, and now my gang. I couldn't save my family, how in the world could I possibly save Marissa?

Once a Gang leader Always a Gang leaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon