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I haven't seen Sam in a while. I've focused on getting my mental state back to normal. I've spent day after day with Xander, finding the traitors in our gangs, finding any loyalists Sam may have and killing them. Short and sweet. I've realized how emotional I've become over the last few years of running my gang. I wasn't even this bad when my family died. I guess it's because of Xander and the stupid things love does to you. See the thing about gangs is that everyone in them believes they're above another because they kill. They kill who they hate, when they're bored, or for vengeance. But see, we all have the ability to kill it's just a matter of taking initiative. And sometimes the power move is to not kill and vice versa. My father built an empire and left it to an emotional girl barely in her teens. I had to grow up fast but so did many people. My point is while emotions are a necessity in life because it's what makes us humans we can't let them completely control us. That's how Sam was able to hurt me so much because I didn't deal with trauma well in the beginning and couldn't deal with the rest of it. It's as if you're building a portrait with bricks, one misplaced brick could ruin everything. I have to take everything apart again.

I don't fully understand why Sam came after me so quickly and viciously but it doesn't matter anymore. Everything's in the past. She hurt me in every way imaginable but I have to move past it. I know the pain of losing a child will never go away. But I don't regret getting pregnant because my son gave me a peace of mind, he reminded me of my humanity. Despite not being able to give him a chance at life and see him grow, I love him more than myself and Xander combined. 

I stand in front of the metal door at the end of the hallway again. Xander stands closely behind me. I give him a glance and he gives me a reassuring smile, I then press the code into the door and open it. I switch on the light and step in, walking in front of the same figure again.

"Well, helloooooo there again!" Sam looks up at me grinning, "I thought I'd never see you again!" I glance over her body and see the same bandages there, a few wounds look as if they've gotten infected and are beginning to give off a new level of stink. I look into her eyes for a moment. Not angry, not happy, not anything. She seems taken back a bit and pouts her lips narrowing her eyes as she stares back at me.  "Wait... Are you finally going to kill me?"

I shrug my shoulders and I take my gun out of belt and take off the safety raising it. Without hesitation this time I aim it at her head and pull the trigger in one swift motion. The bullet manages to cause a spray of blood because of the close contact and I put the safety back on, putting it away. Sams' limp body falls forward and I turn around grabbing Xander's hand, walking out. I walk down the hallway with Xander by my side, I look over at him giving him a genuine smile and he does the same. I look forward to the elevator again and take a deep breathe in.

It's over. It's finally over.



I stand in front of my family's headstones staring at each one, I turn around as I hear laughing. I smile as Xander pretends to be an airplane with our daughter on his back and son clinging to his leg as they 'fly' towards me. Xander kisses my check smiling as soon as he reaches me and I bend down picking my son, Mason, up.

"Did you miss your flight?" I ask, laughing as I kiss his check and he gives me an angry look while nodding his head.

"Ally got there first. And- And dad wouldn't let me get on and then he started walking and then I had to grab his leg." Mason says while looking over at his sister, sticking his tongue out as far as he can.  I look over at Xander with an 'angry' face and he pouts crouching down to help Ally down. She runs as fast as her small legs can carry her over to me, attaching herself to my leg.

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