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"Well- Well I called because- because- I just found out- I-I- Well I-" Aria stutters out and I hear her breathing get quicker with each word.

"Aria, Beautiful, breathe. Take your ti-" I say sitting down on my old bed, hunching over slightly resting my elbows on my knees, keeping the phone to my ear, smiling slightly.

"I'm pregnant." She interrupts me and I freeze instantly. "... Xander?" She says after a while of silence and I sit up straight.

"You- You're pregnant?" I manage to stutter out.

"Yeah..." She mumbles out and I stand up, setting my phone on my bed. I cover my face with both hands and pace back and fourth my heart beating a mile a minute.

"She's pregnant..." I say pausing and curling my fingers so my hands only cover my mouth. "She's pregnant!" I yell excitedly, "Oh fuck-" I pick up the phone again, putting it to my ear grinning wide. "You're pregnant!!" I yell again.

"Yeah I-"

"Holy fuck, Aria. Holy shit we're going to have a baby!" I laugh gripping my hair, with slightly wide eyes. "Wait... It is my baby, right?" I bite my lip, trying to keep myself from laughing, a little humor won't hurt, right?

"You fucking-" She begins and I roll my eyes, laughing.

"I know, I know, it's a joke, god damn." Never mind, maybe a joke can hurt a little. "Shit... You're pregnant." I mumble out again and I hear her mumble an 'mhm.' I cover my mouth with my free hand and stare at nothing in particular, with a small smile on my face. "I'm going to tell Josh and Max that I have to leave soon. I think I'll come back in three days, if I can get them to calm the fuck down. And after that we'll go out celebrate and do whatever the fuck you want."

"You mean celebrating like going out to eat, right? Because I think last time we 'celebrated' put a child in-"

"Yes." I roll my eyes.

"Okay, good." She laughs and I sit down on the edge of the bed. "... How's everything going? Did you find anything?"

"Oh, no, no, that is none of your business. You're going to be a mother you don't need any unnecessary stress on you."




"Only for you and our little boy."

"Boy? That's only a 50% percent chance."

"Not with my swimmers, we're having a boy."

"Yeah fucking right, we're having a girl."

"Want a bet?" I ask with a smug look on my face.

"Hell fucking yeah. 50 bucks it's a girl."

"Deal. I'm going to win."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see. I'm going to bed, I'll see you when you come back. I love you."

"Three days, I love you too." I say sighing softly as she hangs up and I throw my phone on my bed, falling back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "She's pregnant." I say quietly, covering my face with a big smile on my face.


I open my eyes, and sit up slowly rubbing my eyes. I look down to find myself in my clothes from yesterday, I fell asleep after I spoke to Aria, a smile creeps up to my face after recalling our conversation. I sit up and walk to the bathroom, taking care of everything that needs to be done, and walk back out changing my clothes. I should buy something for when I go back. Yeah, I should buy something for the baby. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys walking out of my room and down the stairs, finding Josh sitting on the couch with a whole bunch of papers spread out in front of him.

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