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She made it.

I sit in a chair at the front of a hospital room, Max sitting besides Marissa's bed holding her hand tightly burying his face in her hand every now and then. It took Dr. Cain a long time to get the blood to subside a little and finally transport her to his hospital where he performed an operation that seemed to take forever. I never looked at the clock because all my attention was focused on Max. For most of the time he laid his head on my lap, looking a lost child. He never closed his eyes just stared at the empty space in front of him and I kept stroking his hair. Nothing I said could've made him feel better, all he wanted was Marissa.

"Good Morning." Dr. Cain says walking in and I look up at him, he didn't let us see her until the day after her operation. He didn't want anyone in the way while he had to do frequent checkups on her, so Max and I have been here for at least two days waiting for her.

"Morning." I say in a raspy quiet voice.

"Thank you for being patient and waiting, I assume you have a lot of questions but please wait until after I finish telling you her condition and the injures." He says looking down at his clipboard.

"Just tell me what's going to happen to her." Max says in a weak voice.

"She'll be fine, don't worry. It'll take a while to recover but with intense therapy she'll be back to normal in no time. No lasting effects. She should wake up soon if not in a few hours." Dr. Cain says and I let out a breath I was holding in.

"Thank you, that's all I need to know." Max begins rubbing Marissa's hand gently. I sigh softly and walk out the door motioning for Dr. Cain to follow me. He closes the door behind him and I stand in front of him.

"I need to know." I say my voice becoming stronger.

"I assumed so. You discovered a large knife cut below her rib cage, I was able to close it, and thankfully it wasn't deep. But, that wasn't the only injury. Aria, I don't know what this young lady went through but- I- I can't even believe she's still alive. She was shot in her arm, her rib cage bruised near the point of breaking. Thank the heavens they didn't break because they would've punctured her lungs. Her leg somehow broke- I had to heavily sedate her, almost to a coma, so her body could heal and for it to stop hurting her. She has minor bruises and cuts over her body. But- but I must say she's incredibly strong. She held by a thread especially with all the blood loss. No more jobs for her, at least eight months. And that's minimum... I know it's not my place to say anything but, whoever did this... Stop them Aria, I don't care what you do, but if you continue fighting them and all your members come to me like this most of them won't make it. It's a damn miracle she made it" Dr. Cain looks at me with a look of worry and I nod my head.

"I- Thank you for saving her." I sigh out sadly.

"Always. I want you to be careful, okay? I have to check on others, but Marissa can't go home yet, it's too risky and she's too weak. I'll allow you to put some guards in front of her door but she can't go home... Also come back in two weeks to find out the gender." He references to my baby as he walks away and I nod my head again. I stare at the door and clench my fist tightly.

Why? Why do I always have to fucking deal with a fucking cunt? I'm pregnant, I'm useless and now's the time for it all to fucking happen to me? I bang my fist on the wall trying to keep myself from screaming. Fine, if Sam wants a fucking fight she'll get one, pregnant or not, she's going to fucking wish she never messed with me. I walk back into Marissa's room.

"Is everything okay?" I her the softest cracking voice and I look at the bed to see Marissa with her eyes slightly opened.

"Marissa!" I walk over to her and shove Max's hand away. "I was so fucking worried, do you need anything? Do you need me to get Dr. Cain? He-" I begin asking frantically.

"I already asked, she's fine." Max says pushing my hand away and replacing it with his. "Don't fucking touch her, this is all because of you." He mumbles under his breath and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Ex- fucking- scuse you. I was worried about her too, who was the one that fucking stayed with you the whole night? Huh, Asshole? I get it you love her but I love her too! She's the only one after you that helped me get back on my damn feet! I know you were scared of losing her, I was too, but fucking look! She's right there! You have the rest of your lives to be all lovey fucking dovey. And you know that you'll always be there for each other but what the fuck do I have besides you two? huh?! Don't you tell me shit, when your life can get better with her, when you can leave the gang and never look back, and I can't! All I have are you two. So back the fuck up shit head before I put you in a hospital bed, am I fucking clear?" I yell at Max my face turning red and I breathe heavily clenching my fist so tightly my nails feel like they're about to break the skin.

"He didn't mean it that way, Aria-" Marissa says.

"Oh yes he fucking did. Do you want to leave the damn gang? Go right fucking ahead. I won't stop you. I understand you're upset but don't even try to take it out on me. There's the love of your life, you can quit right now." Max stands up with a furious look on his face and I glare up at him.

"Maybe I fucking will." He says gritting through his teeth.

"Max, no- Aria- guys calm down." Marissa strains and Max turns back to her, holding her hand.

"Marissa wouldn't be hurt if you didn't fucking slack and fall in love with the enemy. It's your fault, Aria... I don't want to be a part of your gang anymore, and Marissa is coming with me." He stares me straight in the eye and my heart drops.

"Max, no-" Marissa barely squeaks out and tries to sit up. "Aria, don't listen to him he's-"

"I wish you guys the best. I'll make sure you'll be safe." I clear my throat looking back at Max avoiding Marissa, and begin my formal address given to those who leave. "Thank you for being a part of the gang-"

"No! Don't finish that sentence, Aria!!" Marissa tries to yell out and sit up but Max holds her down and Marissa begins crying.

"The terms of joining my gang are the same as leaving. Respect members around you and never speak a word to another outside the gang of information vital to the gang. If you don't follow these guidelines you will no longer be under protection and killed immediately." I say my voice beginning to soften. "Good luck." I say quietly under my breath and walk out of the hospital room.

"Aria!" I hear Marissa cry out in crackling gut wrenching voice and I walk faster feeling tears burn my eyes a simple thought circles my mind over and over again, I'm sorry.


It's been hours after Max left the gang and I've managed to hold back every time I want to cry. I stand in front of Marissa's hospital room only a few lights on in the hallway since the hospital is suppose to be in night/rest mode. I bend down slowly laying a bouquet of flowers and a letter addressed to both of them that says:

Thank you for helping me when I needed it, I'm sorry this is the end. Goodbye. - Aria Montano.

Now that Max is gone I have to go on jobs to keep everything in order. They're not dangerous ones, I give those to the gang closest to me, just one's that don't need to be worried about immediately or require a lot of physical labor. I came back to the hospital because, even if I take the smallest jobs there are still risks. And even though Max and I didn't end on a good note, I needed closer in case I die soon. I didn't get it with Xander, but I will with the two most important people in my life now and forever. I walk down the hall again and take a deep breath. Let's start all over again.

But I didn't.

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