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The path which you choose to walk is the path which decides how your way to destiny would be. It means that you choose your destiny as well as the road to attain it. And it means, you decide how rough you are going to handle it.

Kanak hadn't opted the smooth butter way. Actually she would never choose that.

She believed in struggle, the pain of getting something one desires, one deserves by working hard for it. She believed that each second spent towards the destiny is valuable. And she acted on her principles.

Always reading new articles about inventions and discoveries of science, she wasn't proving anyone about her weird self, but it was all about her own satisfaction. It was about her love for science.

But people were judgemental. Always.


"Kevin won!" after one week of their bullshit profiling and elections, they announced their school head boy proudly, "Did ya listen guys!"

"Did ya listen, Miss. Kanak Ghosh?"


"My cochlear compartment is fine, dude."

The boy who was mocking her a second before stood silently, his brows scrunching down in confusion, "Excuse me?"

"You are a science student?"

"Yeah... I got the seat!"

"Oh boy, science is gonna cry!"

She had slapped her answer with sarcasm yet the boy who-got-the-seat-wow-what-an-awesome-news stood there in an awkward silence.

She left the place with a sad smile on her face.

And a face with lot of science books in his hands came to her mind which made her to smile, not the sad one though.


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