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Kanak dreaded that word like anything. It was like a small dagger which kept twisting in her gut even after healing  from its wound. A dagger which was left inside her body.

When whole world had laughed at her, at her father, she had believed that friendship would sail past it. But it was all myth.

Nothing is true in this life, everything just a glittering cover of stars and inside is a black hole, consuming everything, too dark to explain.

And he wanted her to deal with the darkness again.


They both sat in library, the place where they had met first.

She wasn't sure about friendship and he tried to calm her down. And what place could be more perfect than library.

Her love for books was unimaginable. He understood it well. And planned to make her read some of his favorite books.

"Have you read Sherlock Holmes?"

He was excited to listen her answer. Amongst the favorites, his most favorite was Sherlock, no one could compete that.



"Umm...Okay... Harry Potter?"

Obviously, that was everyone's favorite.


"Are you a girl?" he asked without any emotion.

"Excuse me?"

She wanted to slap herself for getting into this trap. Who would read fiction when science is magical enough!

"Read this book, you'll like it."

He gave her one of the books of Harry Potter series randomly. He knew she would read the whole series by herself.

Or maybe not.

And that was his test to himself to be with her.


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