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He wanted to save his son, an infant. Biswajeet Ghosh was helpless indeed, struggling between crying his heart out and dying each second, if possibly that could help the situation. He wanted to save his son.

He saw the face of his daughter, Kanak, the golden girl, she wasn't crying like him nor was his wife. They were tired and sleep was the only pleasure they had to have. His daughter would soon lose her brother if he didn't get enough money. His wife wouldn't be able to smile again. They both had no idea about the reality.

He decided he will save his son, by hook or crook. Because he wanted his family happy.


"Madam, please get up."

Life was so small, a tiny speck of dust trying to settle on floor but as soon as it feels earth it flies away with wind. Life was that short, just the feel of liveliness and then it ends. And he saw life leaving his master's wife's body.

She was beautiful and her beauty wasn't limited to outer surface. She had been kind and caring to everyone. Her husband was a renowned Minister, a politician who worked for welfare of people. And she was perfect match. They both defined philanthropy. But with fame came danger.

Biswajeet was their cook, and that day when he had entered their room he hadn't expected to see his Madam dying. It was plotted well, the plan of murder and trap him guilty. And he fell too easily. People had a reason to call him guilty, as he had the dire need of money, which he could loot.

No one knew the truth that he would never be a thief and murderer, that he would never live with such a burden.

And that was the day when his son had died and his daughter had envisioned him as a villain. Kanak was too young to understand and Biswajeet had no other option than to suicide.

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