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"Do you know about telomerase?"

"Is it something I should know about?"

"No, nothing important."



Their friendship wasn't that usual hello-buddy-how's-you-let's-talk type, it was more of I'll-act-dumb-and-deaf-till-you-say-something type. At least for Kanak.

They used to meet daily nearby the parking lot of library. Smiling, they would exchange books and get into their usual long walk. Silence embraced their journey, till Bhaskar decided to talk.

He used to talk about how his English teacher caught him mimicking others including the said teacher. He used to talk about mathematics, how sine and cosine were beautiful; how one of his friends stole his favorite pen and argument which led next; how he tested the power of milk in calming down the effect of chillies as those fucking things blocked taste buds and weren't a kind of taste itself; how sexy was the new girl in his class, which made her uneasy to listen.

He discussed everything with her. He made her feel that it was good to let it out of heart... To feel world and beauty in a way she never knew.

Bhaskar was the one to initiate everything. And he was the one to end it too.

Like telomerase, he was in the stem cells and also in the cancer.

The two extremes.


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