twenty two

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-After Ten Years-

"Don't try to order me." Bhaskar glared at the person in front of him, who was mute with fear of getting fired. He didn't shout nor made him cry, he held his calm. Calmness wasn't something which young Bhaskar would have preferred, it would have been something alien, but this person- adult him- wasn't one to lose his temper every now and then. As we grow, we try to change, try to find better things evolving within ourselves but when you compare, there is nothing opposite you would find, even if it is hundred of years of difference. Actually, it's our mental acceptance which grows with age, and we accept our flaws.

Walking across the aisle connecting his cabin with the conference room he tried to not think about the careless attitude of his employee. He wouldn't dare to, but humans aren't perfect, the flaws are made to be followed, and Bhaskar wasn't any different. And his mind wandered from one thought to another.

He had created his own empire, his architectural techniques and ideas were standing out every where in the city. Minister Mr. Gayakwad wasn't the reason anywhere, moreover he forgot when was the last time he had interacted with his father. He never called him dad, so it wasn't something big to ponder about.

He fixed his ring and eyed it lovingly. Anwesha- his love of life would have blushed if she had seen him caressing their engagement ring. He smiled, his smile expressing millions things which no words can do. His anger was no where now. The wandering of his mind had done great thing.

"Sir, I have a report for you."

He got interrupted, his mind picturing Anwesha shifted to something else. It pictured someone else.

"What?" he asked private detective, whom he had assigned one year back when he had accepted his failure. Failure to get hold of her.

"I got an information about her mother. I know who is her mother."

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