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He turned to see the most irritating and rude yet beautiful girl calling to him.

He was right, she had needed just a right person to show her world, to get her into this world and out of her small box.

He wanted to do it, slowly. Very slowly. Because it heals very slowly, the pain to be releaved.

"Yeah, so you done with Sherlock too?"

She shrugged.

And he smiled, slowly.


"Umm, I wanted to ask you something."

A question in her mind was bugging for a long time. The time being the part where they had a deal to be friends. But she suppressed her urge, just because she thought he would say on his own.

But he didn't.

"Yeah, shoot."

He was tapping the desk, making some sorts of beats which she recognized from a song.

She stopped him by pressing her hand over his.

"What's your name?"

Even if she hadn't stopped him before, he would have stopped his music practice after her question.

"You don't know my name?"


"Umm..." he realized, actually, he had never introduced himself to her. But he knew her name through his own ways of getting information.

What a bullshit beginning to their friendship!


And now it was her turn to smile, very slowly.


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