chapter 4 - School first day (edited)

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I put my bag on the back seat in my car then turn on my music but before I drove I turned the music up because fifth harmony song work was on.

After I drove to Katie house and waited for her to come out and get in once she gets in. I drove to school While singing.

We finally arrived 10 minutes before class. I quickly get out of my car and grab my bag.
As we got out of my car I notice Kyle and his friends outside the school gate smoking they always smoke outsides school so they do not get caught.
I walk up to the gate with Katie but before I go past Kyle I say hi to him and his mates. Off course Kyle didn't knowledge me he never did.
After me and Katie said hi we walk to our locker and grab what we need.
We walk to our first lesson which was English.
As we walk in we take our normal seats at the back of the class.
1 minute before lesson starts Kyle and Lucas walk in smirking.
They seat in front of us like they normal do, Lucas turn to face us and smiles then faces Katie and says
"Hey beautiful, don't you look hot today" he says to Katie as he looks her up and down then smirks
"Thanks, I would say you look hot, but you always are no matter what babe" she says in response smirking back then winks at him.
He winks back at her before he turns back around and face the front of the class.
That's what I like about Katie she says what she wants to say she does not care what people think.
The teacher walks in and faces us all then start to teach the class.
As the teacher talked Kyle messed around with his pen and throw paper at a girl in front.
The girl turned around every time trying to see who it was.
She looks at Kyle and Kyle shrugs his shoulder in reply to her looking at him.
"Do you mind I am actually trying to learn?" She says to Kyle annoyed that his disturbing her learning.
"Oh no she didn't" Lucas says as he clicks his finger first he click his hands to his left side of his face then he does it to his right.
"Hm, let me think no I don't mind if I did I would not of done it, so officially I don't" Kyle says back to her with his eye borrow lifted and stroking his chin
The teacher stops talking and turns to Kyle and the girl and shakes his head.
"Is there a problem Miss Jackson?" Mr Wing said to the young girl in front of Kyle
"Sir Kyle throwing paper at me and I can't concentrate" she said honestly as she gives Kyle a angry face then sticks her tongue out at him.
"Right Kyle I had enough of you disturbing my lesson and not listening, I have gave you many chance but this is has really gone too far" Mr Wing says as he walks to his desk and grabs a paper and pen and start to write on the paper
"Sir" Kyle says not caring what he thinks
"That's it get out my class, go to the head teacher his the note to give to him when you get their" Mr wing says pointing to the door and putting the paper out so Kyle can grab it when he goes past.
Kyle gets up from his seat grab his books and put his books in the bag then put the bag on his shoulder.
He walks to the teacher and grabs the note then walks to the door but before he leave someone shouts "WAIT"

Next chapter coming soon :)

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