Chapter 40 - Seeing you again (edited)

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It been a month since I got rescued from Sebastian hideout and still I have not seen Mike since he took over his gang their always one rule in a gang once you kill a gang leader you take over from his place.

I miss him loads, he never returned to school after no one heard of him and his sister has not either, I am very worried about him I just hope he did not die.


To current morning

I woke with my phone going off loud, I quickly jump of my bed and run to my stand over the other side of the room and pick it up hoping it Mike but it was Vanessa.

"Hey girl, How are you?" Vanessa ask

"The usual missing Mike, I just hope he return soon, Vanessa" i say as my voice start to break from crying

"He will come back for you he love you, you know that just believe in him Natalie" Vanessa say trying to cheer me up

"I know he love me but will he come, it has been an month and he has not returned maybe his moved on with his gang" i say to her on the phone.

I walk over to my walk where I have picture of my friends, family I look for one special photo and fin it and take it off my wall and hug it

"hey never think that he will come back you wait and if you truly believed what you said you would not be hugging his picture right now would you" Vanessa says

"how did you know I was hugging his picture" i ask

"because I know you and I know you miss him a lot just never give up on something special okay" Vanessa says

"I try" I say

"I got to go I speak at school soon, okay" Vanessa says

"okay" I reply back

she hangs up the phone and I look at the picture and kiss it then put it back on the wall

"I will be strong for you, I know you would not want me to be upset" I say I stroke the picture.

After I looked at the picture I walk to my wardrobe and grabbed a black tank top and black ripped skinny jeans and clean underwear and put my clothes on after I got change I went over to my mirror and started putting on some make up I decided to put on black eye liner, red lip stick and a little bit of foundation.

I left my hair straight and walked to my door and grabbed my black jacket and put it on.

after I was changed I walked down stairs to see my father and mother sitting at the breakfast table.

"Morning Natalie breakfast is on the table for you" My mom says in her sweet voice then points to the food.

I walk to the table and sit down and start eating what my mother cooked.

"thank you Mom" I say smiling to her

"you're welcome, darling" my mom says smiling back

After I finished eating I put my dish into the sink and grab a drink of dr pepper before I go out to my car.

"Natalie, you know you can talk to your Mother and Father right?" My father say as he put the newspaper down

"I know, I just can't I miss him so much my heart aches, I just wishes I knew if he was okay or hurt" I say to my father as I hold my chest

"come here darling" my mother says as she opens her arms

i run over to my mom and i hug her and start to cry

"you love him don't you" my mom ask

i nod my head "I have for a while"

My mom looks at Father and he nods his head at us and joins us in a hug

"I am sure he is okay Natalie, he is a strong man and I have confidence in him" my father says smiling at me

"thank you dad" I reply back "I guess I better go to school" I say smiling and then kiss them both goodbye but quickly check my makeup and it is all fine.

I walk to our front door and to my car and get in and drive to school.

As soon as i arrive to school everyone looks at me and then carries on with what they were doing.

I look for Vanessa and find her by the school door with the others from my Dad gang.

I walk over to her and smile as i see her jumping up and down while clapping her hands.

she turns to me and I quickly say "Hey" just so i can beat her to it.

"Hey so I have news" Vanessa says still jumping up and down

"what is it?" i ask her curiously.

"so a birdie told me that Mike is returning, I do not know when I just know his coming back" Vanessa says smiling and finally stops jumping.

"really?" I ask her shocked

she nods "that great" i say to her smiling

"come on lets go to boring lesson"

we start walking to our first lesson which off course will be the boring lesson for me maths we sit at the back and wait for the lesson to began.

soon after we sat down our teacher Mrs Yang walks in smiling

"Morning class" she says to us all while facing us

We all say Morning back to her and she starts the lesson. 20 minutes into the lesson a tall man with tattoos and dark hair walks in along with Mike.

"MIKE" I say.

He looks towards me and Vanessa then shrugs his shoulders and ignore us both

"what the hell" I say shocked that he just shrugged me off then ignored me.

"Did he really just ignore you?" asked Vanessa looking at Mike

I nod still shocked

"what the hell" Vanessa says angry about to get off her chair and walk over to him but i stopped her by grabbing her hand and shaking my head

we both look towards the teacher.

"Oh Mike your back welcome back now please take your normal sit, you must be the new student what is your name?" asked Mrs Yang as she looked at the new student.

Mike walks off ignore the teacher request to sit in his usual sit by me and Vanessa and instead seat at the front on the spare seat.

"my name Francis" he says to her then take a seat next to Mike.

"okay let carry on with the lesson shall we" the teacher says smiling and carries on with the lesson.

Me and Vanessa both look at Mike and Francis shocked at both of their attitude and we were more shocked by Mike.

"He change hasn't he?" I whisper to Vanessa

she nods "I did not want to tell you, I did not want you to fall out of love with him whatever happened after you left change him" 

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