Chapter 47 - Natalie (edited)

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I look at the wall right near my head and notice that this is not my room or house walls as i know my walls are not as dirt as those ones where the whole wall was covered in dirt it did not look white it was messy i quickly move away from the wall and get off the bed as i look around i notices that i am in a cell i move towards the gate and start shouting for help.

As i shouted someone from the other side of the room moved towards their cell and looked at me with an angry face and said "i would not shout if i was you, this place is not safe he will kill you he does not care who you are he will still kill i am only alive because i did as i was told"

I look at the man shocked he looked very dirty and so skinny like he has not eaten in weeks i notices his hair very greasy and his eyes show no emotion.

As if i was hit on the head all the memory start coming back and i finally remember where i am and who took me from my home. i start to back away from my cell i know that my family, Mike or Kyle will save me but will i be alive before they come.

As i was in my thought i could hear a door start opening from the far corner of the room after the door opens i could hear someone coming down the steps i move to the cell door and notice its Sebastian boyfriend coming towards my cell with a smirk on his face.

"so your finally awake?" he says as he gets to my cell door and unlocks it

i say nothing and just stare at his face as i look at his face i notice that his eyes are full of angry and revenge.

I moved my eyes away and looked to my left but then notices a tall muscle man standing by the wall and he quickly walk to me and grabs my arms and puts them around my back

"Let me go" i shout i try kicking and scratching but nothing works he still holding me strong

"i would quit trying now this next bit going to hurt you do not mind do you?" Sebastian boyfriend asks while laughing

"funny" i says sarcastically while faking a laugh

"oh i was not joking but i was on the question you have no choice just like my boyfriend did before he died" Sebastian boyfriend says annoyed

"get the camera" he shouts at his men

"please do not hurt me, i did nothing wrong" i say as i beg him to let me go

"not happening"

A man walk in with a camera in his hand and faces us

"right lets get down to business shall we?" He says to the camera

he slowly walk to me and stands right next to me and face the camera

"As you can all tell I have Natalie i am sending this video to let you know i took what you did to my brother serious and the same going to happen to Natalie right after we had our funny i would let you all say good bye but like me i did not get that chances so i shall begin what i am here to finish" he says angrily

He walks in front of me and start punch my stomach as he punched my stomach i felt pain shocking pain it felt like my ribs are broken after he was happy with that he started to slap my face until it was covered in bruises.

Sebastian boyfriend carried on till he got bored and then looked at the camera.

"Now for the last bit of the show, Natalie want to say good bye to your family and your friends and boyfriend because it will be your last" Sebastian says as he grabs a gun from the person who held the camera

i look at the camera and smile "I will be okay i will be watching from above, i love you all and Mike i am sorry i love you carry on living and kill him i want you all to be happy even if that means i am not their buy me flower, Kyle i am sorry we did not work but i am glad we made friends in the end tell the others i will miss them like mad and Mike tell your sister the same, lastly I love you all" i say while crying

"so touching, very good words sorry dear for this but your boyfriend did kill my friend so now good night" he says and face the gun to my stomach.

then he shot the gun and i felt the most pain i have ever felt the bullet touching my skin and then everything goes black.

"take her to the hospital she is dead her family can have her dead body" he says pointing to my dead body on the floor.

"well now you know where she is, i be back for you all i let you watch this you got 1 day and then i come for you all" he says to the camera then walls away

"deliver the video to her parents house" He says then goes up stairs

the two men run to their car along with Natalie in their arm then take Natalie to the hospital and leave her on the floor at the front then drive to her parent then leave the video and knock the door then drive away as fast as they can.


i hope you all like this chapter.

Natalie dead what will happen now that shes dead?

will Mike get revenge on Sebastian brother?

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