chapter 5 - Who's that girl? (edited)

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As I walk to the door, I knew I was really in trouble but I didn't care, I know I should but I just didn't it's not like I haven't got anything planned after I finish school, I am a gangleader after all.

As I reach the door I hear a girly voice shout "WAIT"
I turn around and notice a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes standing up. 

She really hot why have I not noticed her before

We turn and look at her shocked even her friend shocked at what she just done.
"Natalie what are you doing?" Her friends whisper to her as she tries to make her sit down.
"I can't let him get kicked out" she says back to her friend and push her friends hands away.
"Sir that unfair it's not his fault that the paper just hit her, Kyle was just writing the wrong notes and was throwing the paper obviously he has not got a good aim" she says to the teacher and everyone laughs even Lucas laughs
"Is this true?" Mr Wing says to me as he turns to face me an sits on the desk.
"Yes, Sir" I say standing straight and look at the floor.
"Sit down, we will let it go this once" he says to me and points to the chair that I was sitting on before.
"Yes sir, thank you" I say and walk back to my chair while looking at her
She sits down back with her friend and she just face the front looking at the teacher.
After class I wait for her and her mate to leave.
I lean against the wall while waiting for her to come out and watch as Lucas makes fun of me for before.
She finally walks out and I grab her arm pull her towards me and whisper in her ear.
"Thank you" I say really meaning it.
I let go off her arm and walk off with my mate Lucas and smile at her as I leave.

I cant believe what just happened, he touched my arm his finally said something to me, I turn to Katie and see her smirking at me.

"He touched me, he actually knowledge me, finally" I say smiling at her and jumping up and down in happiness.
"And all you had to do was help him in class" says Katie laughing and falls to the floor.
"Hey" I say crossing my arms that she laughing at me
"You know it's true and funny" Katie says still on the floor laughing
"I know" I say back to her smiling.
"Come on let's get lunch shall we?" Says Katie as she gets up of the floor.
I nod and we walk to the cafe. I walk over to the dinner ladies and I decided to have a chicken burger and Katie grabbed a beef burger and chips
After we grabbed our lunch we sit at the back of the classroom and wait for Amelia and Hannah to come sit with us

The gangleader wants me. (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now