Chapter 13 - Hurt part 2 (edited)

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As lunch started I walked to the back table and sat down with my friends already noticing that they have their dinner so i walk to line up with other people.

I neared the lady who served the food and saw there was a chicken salad so I decided to get that and a vanilla icing cup cake and Dr pepper for lunch after I brought the food I joined my friends on the table.

I looked at Kyle table and saw all his mates looking at our table, I shrug my shoulder wondering where Emily was since all he did was make out with her this morning obviously I mean nothing to him.

I eat my lunch then throw it away and gossip with my friends about people in our school.

The bell rings signalling that I have music lesson now at least this is my last lesson today.

I walk to the lesson and see Kyle sitting at the back with his ear phones in listen to his music I smile then sit at the front.

Miss Wilson walks in and tells us we have to partner up and learn a song. then perform it at the end.

Kyle looks at me and smiles then walks to me and sits next to the piano.

"I will be your partner today" he says smirking

"why can't you just be Emily partner since you were making out with her this morning" I say folding my arms

"I don't want to be her partner that's why come to you let's do this" he says and looks at the paper with the notes on it

We play the music and at the end we get every note correct and get a good grade we smile at each other and i grab my bag, as I was about to leave Kyle grabs my arm and whisper in my ear

"we can't be together, it dangerous I am sorry I will only hurt you" he says then walks off and out the classroom.

I walk to my car after that incident with Kyle then drive home as I walked into my house it look like someone trashed the whole house I walk to the kitchen but just as I walked in their someone put a white cloth around my mouth and I breathed in this horrible smell the next thing I know everything went black then darkness came.

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