chapter 33 - arriving at my aunties (edited)

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I arrived at my auntie a hour after mine and Mike conversation before I still felt guilty and upset for leaving but I need to get away I need to think.

I have always loved my auntie house it like really massive, they have gates at the front of the house her husband is also a gang leader not as popular as my father and Kyle but still they got to protect them self somehow.
I walk towards the front door with my bags and knock the front door
"Hey it's me Natalie" I say as the front door opens.
As the door opens you see my aunties blonde short hair and pale skin I always loved my auntie I love her fashion and she always helps me.
As she see me she quickly push me into the house and hugs me.
As we hug I began to cry into her arms.
"Tell me what happened?" My auntie says as she push us to the sofa in the lounge.
"I fell in love with a guy in father gang and he has a girlfriends and he said he would break up with her but next day he didn't and I also had an boyfriend but he cheated on me with one of my best friends" I say as I try to speak clear while crying
"I'm sorry Natalie some boys can be stupid" my auntie says as she rubs my back to calm me down
"I know and just before I left he showed me that he broke up with her and it does say they have on the text but I don't want to be that weak girl anymore I want to be strong I told him before I came here that he need to prove to me that he wants to be with me by waiting for me" I say to her whole look at her face
"If he actually broke up with her and he truly means he wants you and you told him to wait then I believe he will. I can help you to become more strong and more confident if that's what you want Natalie" she says smiling
"I do" I say smiling back
"Okay we will start tomorrow okay go unpack I tell my husband that your here okay and I call you for lunch in about an hour wear something smart okay, we are having a gang lunch later" she says as she squeeze my hand and smiles
"Thank you" I say and quickly get up and walk to my bags
"Hm, where my room?" I ask her turning back around quickly
"I get one of the maids to show you, Taylor can you show Natalie to her bedroom please" my auntie says to the maid by the door who's cleaning up dust.
The maid had her hair up and pale skin and brown hair and green eyes and same height as me.
"Yes miss" she says smiling and walks over to me "follow me" she says smiling
We walk to the stairs and start walking up the stairs as we walked up I looked at all the picture on the wall and smile.
We the walk down a long hall and finally arrive at a brown door
The maid opens the door and smile "this will be you room, can I get you anything?" She says
"No thanks, thank you for your help go have a break on me" I say smiling and walk into my room.


Next chapter coming later or tomorrow :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys :)

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